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    There's always someone around willing to help out with questions or give a friendly wave back. All Harley and metric riders are welcome.
Last Activity:
Feb 17, 2011
Jan 24, 2011
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Tampa, Florida

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New Member, from Tampa, Florida

TampaTempest was last seen:
Feb 17, 2011
    1. TampaTempest
      Thanks for responding and for the great advice. I'm still planning on making my trip. Can't wait. I was just checking out campsites and hostel info but plan on bringing my tent and stove and the bare essentials. I don't need much. Just some clean air and heavenly sites!
    2. FLHTbiker
      Just saw your message about long distant riding, sorry for not checking messages sooner. There has been some good advice posted already. One thing to remember is don't try to push your limit for a day and keep hydrated very important). If camping stop before dark, set up then relax you'll feel much better starting off the next day. Hope this helps some. Keep posting on bike talk we need every ladies input.
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