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    There's always someone around willing to help out with questions or give a friendly wave back. All Harley and metric riders are welcome.
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Apr 13, 1948 (Age: 76)

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Moderator, 76

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chucktx was last seen:
Jul 27, 2017
    1. wvak47
      Hey Chuck, Long time no be on here. I am back with a new baby to work on. I have a post in the buy sale trade forum. Looking for a set of factory forward controls from a 2002-2005 Dyna FXDWG in particular. Might you have anything in your inventories that would help?
      1. wvak47
        Hope all is well, long time since you been seen here too. I bought a set of forwards. Bike rides much better now.
        Apr 29, 2015
    2. Bela
      hey ~~~biker dating .us
    3. chucktx
      working on it.....hopefully soon!! thanks
    4. popeye
      nope I just tried. I figured it was one of those super-human powers given to mods.
    5. chucktx
      you cant?? i am trying to get it back open......
    6. popeye
      Of course you can post on a closed thread...... You're a Mod. :D
    7. fxlrmike
      Thanks ChuckTX For the Pix thats all I needed.
    8. chucktx
      what is the question???? i can try to help..........
    9. kowboy
      Hey chucktx i just got out of the hospital had a heart attack not able to read very well can you please help tell me where to start looking?
    10. chucktx
      that is strange.......if you can post on all the other areas, you should be able to post there....it is not protected......i will check with ken also........
    11. Fatboy128
      Hey Chuck, I private messaged Kenfuzed a day or two ago about this and haven't heard back. Maybe you have an answer for me. On the "Tech Tips" blog I am blocked from posting questions, comments or tips. It seems to be the only Blog that this happens to me. Why would that be?
    12. chucktx
      have you checked the output of the alternator with a volt meter??? put it on the battery while idling, then increase engine speed. the volts should go up to near 14.5. if not you still have a charging problem. i assumed you did this before changing parts. the regulator may be bad. the reason the bike ran ok for a while is it was running on battery charge. it is not being recharged by the bike. check that stuff and let me know.....also let me know if you get this, ok??
    13. Napili4920
      Hey Chuck, wondering if you had any further issues. You responded to my thread about a possible bad stator on my wr450f. "So I put in a new battery, everything seemed to be cherry. Took it for a 60 mile ride, no issues. Hungout at destination for about 4 hours then headed home, this time needing my headlights seeing as it was dark. At mile 40, roughly, exact same issue. Bike was unable to run smoothly while the lights were on. Once i got home I stuck the battery on the trickle charger. At first the charger said battery was full, but when I checked this morning, its giving my the charging and charged signal, meaning the battery is probably gone bad again. I am in need of some desperate help, the stator and battery totalled me 220 bucks, and I cant keep doing that! Any ideas?".

      Also, sorry if you are seeing this twice, I am not sure that people who respond to my threads get a notification if i respond. Thanks for any advice, highly appreciated at this point.
    14. chucktx
      if it stops spitting with the enrichner pulled, that is a sign of running lean. check for intake leaks, wrong jet size in the idle circuit, air screw adjusted incorrectly. the needle under the float is not seating in the seat. they may need a good cleaning or replacement. easiest way to check a float is to remove it and shake it. if there is liquid inside it is bad........hope this helps. welcome to the forum
    15. larrym
      I saw in a post where you asked the guy if "will it quit spitting with the enrichner pulled out a bit???" He didn't answer but my 98 FXD will. What does this mean? You responded to a post I had and said "your float is set to high" I took the bowl off and adjusted it so the float needle sat sooner and still have the same problem. Do floats go bad? Would I test it by putting it in water and looking for bubbles?
    16. chucktx
      anytime..........glad to be of help. have fun and stay safe!!
    17. Ted
      Hi Chuck
      Thanks for your help. Im 74 years old and the FLHX is a lot different than my old BMW,s
      Hope you have sunny days. Thanks Ted.
    18. Ted
      Hay Chucktx
      I haven't rode in about ten years. I bought a 2009 FLHX with 2000 miles on it. I live in Sebastian Fl. You said you always used an oil cooler. What kind do you prefer and what do you like for syn oil. Thanks Ted.
    19. schooner
      [/BHey Chucktx

      Thanks 4 the info on Ken who sells CV Carb. I just finished writing him concerning
      my application.

      Thanks Again My Good Man
    20. relicsmc
      hope iam in the right place here iam new at this and dont know what iam doing. ive had no luck with dealer. the only belt they can get is a 136 tooth for flt that harley ships to japan. andrew sprocket they cant tell me anything either.dont know if 136 will work? i think you for your reply
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    Apr 13, 1948 (Age: 76)
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