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    There's always someone around willing to help out with questions or give a friendly wave back. All Harley and metric riders are welcome.
Last Activity:
Nov 22, 2005
Nov 22, 2005
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Feb 22, 1969 (Age: 55)

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New Member, 55

Ken was last seen:
Nov 22, 2005
    1. schooner
      Hi Ken
      I'm a member of this great forum and one of the member told me about you.
      I own a 1985 Evo 1340cc with that crazy butterfly carb.

      I'm in the process of finishing the sanding of all my body parts and will be sending 'em off the paint shop.

      This newbie has been reading how much better the Keihin CV 40mm Carb is as opposed to the ol' hick-up one I have on the bike now.

      Tell me Ken you did sell carbs YES/NO
      What do you have as far as a complete carb system; cables,manifolds,etc. whatever I need to replace the carb I have now.

      Please let me know what the prices are.
      Thanks Ken

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    Feb 22, 1969 (Age: 55)
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