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01 FXDL Lower Leg Change

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by firstcav, Jan 22, 2006.

  1. firstcav

    firstcav New Member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    I am installing chrome lower legs on my 01 FXDL. I can't seem to be able to find out how much fork oil to put in when it's a dry change. The service manual says 10.7 oz but that's with a wet change. If you look in the sportster manual it give specs for a dry change and a wet change but they are different for a hugger and a standard model so I don't want to guess and use that spec. Even the FXD and the FXDL are different but I have looked everywear and can't find the answer. Help
  2. 00 wildglide

    00 wildglide New Member

    Nov 5, 2005
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    Fork Oil Specs.

    HERES SOME INFO...hope it helps.
    OZ. CC IN. MM.
    10.7 316 7.20 182.9
    AS QUOTED from H-D manual:
    Use oz./cc measurement if fork is left in frame.
    Use in./mm. measurement if fork is dis-assembled.In this case,oil level is measured from the top of the fork tube,with spring removed & fork fully compressed.(IMO)I usually add an once for a little firmer ride.I also use the "SCREAMIN-EAGLE" fork oil.

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