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01 Road King Classic Oil In Cylinders

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by GSXR WILD, Feb 20, 2005.


    GSXR WILD New Member

    Feb 20, 2005
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    Alright Could Use Some Tech Advise. 2001 Road King Classic Has Been Running Great, Until Today. Won't Start And Oil And Gas Has Filled Up Cylinders. I'm Lost!
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    Oil and gas has actually filled the cylinders? Or, are you seeing a spray when cranking it over?

    What are the exact symptoms? Do you have any codes? Engine light?

    You should be EFI so the only way that you get fuel is for the pump and computer to be working. In theory, this takes it to spark problems. Do you have spark? If not, it might be as simple as a set of bad plug wires, baad coil or no power to the coil. It can also be a loss of signal from the crank position sensor etc.

    The EFI is complex and not easy to troubleshoot. Do you have the service manual?
    Now, the reason I doubt that oil and gas actually did "fill" the cylinders, is that if they were truly filled you would hydraulically lock up the engine until all the fluids bled by the or you pulled a plug out to let the fluids escape.
  3. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    When you turn on the ignition do you hear the pump energize and stop or does it keep going its possible you have a stuck injector in the open position and the pump is filling one of the cylinders with gas and its flowing over in the intake (like a stuck float in a carb can do)

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