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'02 Roadking - Feuling oil pump and/or Delkron Support Plate?

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by ksimms, Aug 26, 2004.

  1. ksimms

    ksimms New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    For the last few years, I have really enjoyed your tech articles and product reviews. You guys have done an excellent job.

    I am considering an engine upgrade (that I can get at a good price) with the following:

    - S&S gear drive kit
    - S&S gear drive installation kit
    - Andrews TW37G cam
    - Cylinders bored to 95"
    - Vortec heads
    - Cast pistons cut for the Vortec heads
    - SE adjustable push rod kit
    - Top gasket including cometic head gasket .030.
    - Cam cover gasket

    Would you it be wise and would you recommend a Feuling oil pump and lifters? I would like to avoid oil blowby through the air cleaner.

    Do you believe I need to consider getting a Delkron cam plate? (some people tell me no and others recommend it) If so, what is the difference between the Delkron TC88 cam support plate (Part No DSDS199667) versus the Delkron Billet Cam Plate (Part No 17-531) that has a reference number for the same support plate (DSDS199667).
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    You may want to read these articles. The first describes the oiling isssues from feuling's perspective and the second from our personal experience.

    I will not run a TC88 without a Feuling pump or an accurate gauge.


    The Delkron plates are beefy and strong and will not flex like the cast plate can. Is an absolute must? Nope. If it is in the budget it is good insurance. I run it because both OE cam plates I had in my shop when the problem happened have the oil pressure relief port blocked and capped off.

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