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'03 TC88 tuners kit.

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by Rick Lowry, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. Rick Lowry

    Rick Lowry New Member

    Dec 30, 2011
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    Well I've been reading & searching for hours, but just haven't come up with the answer yet. I got an 03 carbed Electra with SE air intake & SE pipes. Bought it last year with 4700 miles. I've had the coughing thru the carb from day one, so I decided to go with the CVP kit. When I took the carb apart, it had already been changed with a Dynojet kit(48 pilot), & the slide hole had been drilled too large. I removed everything, bought a new slide, installed the kit with the 48 & 190 jets, installed new intake seals. Checked for intake leaks, & I still have the dreaded cough, plus decel popping. I need the choke almost every time to start up. If I pull the choke part way out on decel it will quit popping. I, got the AF screw out 3+ turns. Whats next, 50 pilot? Lookin for answers.

    Thanx Rick
  2. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Did you replace the rubber gasket from the carb to the manifold. You also may have a air leak at it.
  3. Rick Lowry

    Rick Lowry New Member

    Dec 30, 2011
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  4. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    +1 what FLHTbiker said. The description sounds like an intake vacuum leak. A TC88 engine that can take a #48 pilot and mixture screw turned out more than 3 turns usually means the AF mixture is fighting against a leak that is leaning out the mixture. Going larger in jetting only masks the actual problem. It is possible that the original DJ kit was set very rich to overcome this.

    You mentioned the carb originally had a dyno jet kit. Make sure when installing the new kit that you use the included CVP emulsion tube and not the tube from the Dyno Jet kit. Otherwise the jetting will be off. Same goes for the needle, be sure to use the included needle and not a clip style needle.

    Also decel pop is often a different problem than the off-idle coughing through the carb. A decel pop is more likely caused by an exhaust gasket leak where the pipes mate up to the heads. During deceleration cool air is drawn in through a leaking gasket and causes a crackling or popping sound. Sometimes a carburetor that has been properly tuned can actually make this sound worse since the tuned carb is not throwing excess fuel at the problem. Richer jetting will mask the problem but is not only a waste but also carbon coats the valves.
  5. Rick Lowry

    Rick Lowry New Member

    Dec 30, 2011
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    As I said , I removed every thing that was in there, and installed the new seals, new tube, jets, slide, needle, and spring. I'll look again tomarrow, but haven't been able find any leaks. The popping thats going on is definatly back firing.
  6. HicCup

    HicCup Banned A-Hole

    Jan 26, 2012
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    check rubber diaphragm at carb cover too and the accel pump just to be safe. For a TC88 the jetting does sound small. Ifn you have to pull the chock out to get it to run good with no coughing, that should tell you that it is to lean at the moment (fuel, too much air) Recheck, confirm yer thoughts, then go to jetting. How you jetting fer, power or economy?
  7. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Yea that rubber seal from carb to manifold can get an edge folded up real easy.
    Also might want to think about the seals from the manifolds to each head. Worked on a bike last summer and found those were bad.
  8. Rick Lowry

    Rick Lowry New Member

    Dec 30, 2011
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    Took the bike for a ride this am, still farted until oil temp got up to about 180(about30-40min). the farting seemed to quit and maybe less popping on decel. Came home and went all over carb area with propane torch and could not get it to change idle at all. As I said earlier, I've changed the manifold seals and carb seal. rechecked carb seal after installation, all is good. But until I get it that hot,still farts.
  9. Rick Lowry

    Rick Lowry New Member

    Dec 30, 2011
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    Just tryin to get rid of that dreaded cough, The bike runs strong the way it is, actually pulls really hard mid range to top end, it gets 40-45 mpg, which sounds about right.
  10. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    I took a look at your order from last year and see that you have the kit but not the EZ-Just. I suggest removing the original mixture screw and clean any carbon build up from the needle tip. Be careful not to lose the packing (spring, washer, o-ring) suspended above the mixture screw. Also remove the packing pieces and clean this passage with some carburetor cleaner. The pilot jet is connected by a passage to the mixture passages so you can also remove the pilot jet and blow out all of these passages.

    Another thing to check could be the accelerator pump diaphragm. I realize your bike only has 4700 miles but at 9 years old the diaphragm has probably been sitting in fuel laced with pump additives which weakens or carcks the rubber. With more and more fuel additives and ethanol being added to pump gas in recent years the diaphragm takes a beating and will become very weak. I've seen these diaphragms go bad in as little as a single winter of a bike sitting. When first rolling on the throttle the accelerator pump supplies a brief burst of fuel spray to overcome the sudden transition in the carburetor's fuel circuits. If that spay is weak it could present itself as an off-idle cough. Removing the accelerator pump cover is also a good way of checking the overall health of the carburetor. Presence of any gunk, tar, or gas that has become lacquer is a good indication that the carb's passages could also be suffering from the same.
  11. HicCup

    HicCup Banned A-Hole

    Jan 26, 2012
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    I wood then check exhaust gaskets and make sure that the nuts at the head are tight completely. It is also possible that you have a head gasket starting to go out. You wood git farting that way as well.
  12. Rick Lowry

    Rick Lowry New Member

    Dec 30, 2011
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    I'm going down now to take the carb off again. I'll check everything thats been sugested, and thanks again for your input. When I did the install, I had the carb completly apart, but probably could have checked the passages better. All else looked good. I'll let you know what I find.

  13. Rick Lowry

    Rick Lowry New Member

    Dec 30, 2011
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    Well, stripped the carb bare, saw nothing out of the ordinary coming apart. Sprayed all the passages with carb cleaner, blew them out with air, reassembled, set AF screw @ 2 1/8, took it off the jack, pulled the choke out, started it, put the choke in, and went for a quick ride, no fartin, farts!!!!! Didn' get to dial in to much, it started to rain, but it looks like you were on the right track. Must have been something in one of the circuits. YOU GUYS R AWESOME! thanks and I'll update later after some ride time. Thanks again.
  14. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Good to hear you got her running, good feeling isn't it. :)
  15. Rick Lowry

    Rick Lowry New Member

    Dec 30, 2011
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    Yes it is. I'm afraid to get too excited till I get some miles on it tho.

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