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05 1200 sportster deceleration pops

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by Melkor, May 28, 2013.

  1. Melkor

    Melkor Member

    May 26, 2013
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    Berkshire Hills
    Looked all over the forum and couldn't find anything similar.
    2005 1200 Custom. Stag 1 mods, SEII slipons w/ Big City Thunder baffles,
    SE A/C, CV Performance tuner kit jetted as recommended. Carb cleaned and totally rebuilt. New intake and exhaust gaskets. Can't find any leaks.
    Runs great, no performance problems just a lot of small popping on deceleration around 2500 RPM, or going down hill with compression braking.

    One thing I did notice with the accelerator pump housing. There are 2 small o-rings in mine. Dealer micro fische, my Clymer manual and the Harley shop manual only show and list one o-ring. When I took it apart there were 2 so I put 2 back in as there were enough in the CV kit to do this.

    Any ideas about the popping and who knows the o-ring riddle answer.

    thanks for any insight you may be able to send my way.
  2. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Hi Melkor, deceleration popping (or crackle) is almost always an exhaust leak. The exhaust leak could also be elevated by a slight intake manifold leak but if it were a vacuum leak you would normally also experience hesitation or a lean condition off idle.

    I recommend replacing your exhaust flange gaskets. Trying to re-tighten them often doesn't work because once the gasket has been crushed the first time they don't reseal. Cool air pulled in through an exhaust leak will pop/crackle when it meets the hot gasses at the exhaust port. A carb that is overly rich will often overcome this condition but is not efficient (poor performance).
  3. Melkor

    Melkor Member

    May 26, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Berkshire Hills
    Thanks Ken for the reply. I have already replaced all of the gaskets and Torca clamps. I used the SE gaskets at the heads and stock rubber gaskets at the intake manifold. I have another set of HD stock head gaskets I will try those. Any thoughts on the accelerator pump o-rings? I wouldn't be surprised if the manuals were wrong. I already dumped 3.6 qts of oil in the bag the first time I did an oil change..... but that is a different thread.

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