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05 Fatboy rear caliper removal

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by treehorses, Aug 9, 2005.

  1. treehorses

    treehorses New Member

    Aug 9, 2005
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    I am in process of replacing my rear tire and figured out it looks like the mufflers need to come off to get the axle out. Got those off, but the service manual says to remove the brake pads prior to caliper removal after pulling the axle. I'm delayed until i find a 12 point 1/4 socket to release the pad pins.
    My question is, can the caliper come off without pad removal. Thanks for your replies.
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    The idea is to not damage the pads on the rotor when removing the wheel or caliper. Yes, it can be removed but the edges of the pads will getted dinged up.
  3. treehorses

    treehorses New Member

    Aug 9, 2005
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    dinged pads

    It does look pretty tight quarters. I will plan on pulling the pads. I was a little conserned on how loose to loosen the pad pins as not to loosen too far as the manual stated. I'm also thinking probably need to pry in the pad holder and not the pad to seat the pistons back for clearance. I'v done lots of car pads but never like this Harley.

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