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05 flstci ,, adding pipes without dwnload???

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by 1st timer, Sep 3, 2005.

  1. 1st timer

    1st timer New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    I have an 05 heritage classic :) and want to beef up the sound a little ...... was told it would REQUIRE a EFI download and a new breather box to open up the intake + labor and slip on's for a total around $900 :eek: ..... is all this necessary for $230 slip on's? :confused:
  2. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    a BIT steep

    Well, Not sure if it is all required or not, but..... you can get a Ness Big Sucker Air Breather from DP for 80-90 or so.....(unless prices have changed from when I got mine)....install yourself in about 30 minutes if you don't know what you are doing like me!!! Recommend getting a POWER COMMANDER (aka PC IIIusb). Get the correct map off the internet, about a 30 minute job start to finish (again, if you don't know what you are doing). Power commander runs something like 300 or so...maybe 350, and again, think that DP has them. Plus your slip ons......about 600 total cost, adds a couple ponies, cooler running engine, and nice body and tone to your engine sound. Not sure if you would HAVE to remap with only the slip ons....if you do both slip ons and breather, you will need to as you will be moving more air without increasing the gas and your engine will get HOT HOT HOT!!!! I am sure some of the other guys will have more/better info for you after the DP ride this weekend! Good luck!
  3. larry

    larry New Member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Hi Firsttimer,
    I also have a 2005 Heritage Soft Tail Classic. My dealer quoted me $710 for the Vance & Hines long shots, this power adapter that is needed for it, and the air cleaner that has to be put on to make everything work. That does "NOT INCLUDE" the installation of these items. My wife and I weren't sure about how loud this would make the bike, so I emailed Vance & Hines about a few of their exhaust and the sound levels. It's been a week and we haven't heard from them yet! We just don't want something so loud that it is annoying when we travel. It's hard to believe that it will cost this much and no one seems to know just how loud this setup will be. For now we are listening to the bikes around our area and hope for the day we hear one that satisfies us. The price is still "FAR OUT" in our book. Good luck on getting some feed back. I will be watching to see if anyone can help you and possibly us too!
  4. navyman

    navyman New Member

    Sep 10, 2005
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    Cincinnati, Ohio
    You can go to the Vance & Hines website and listen to recordings of their different pipe set ups. I am waiting for the Oval Slip ons for my Road King.
  5. Johnny O.

    Johnny O. New Member

    Jun 4, 2005
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    hog on a bubget

    Your exhaust is different than my road king but I got my Wild Pig Pipes and a DFO off ebay for under $200 including shipping. The Wild Pigs sound real good but aren’t all that loud if your ez on the throttle. The DFO is a cheaper way to add fuel when you lean things out by putting on new pipes and air cleaners and such. It’s not as good as a PC but it works. I also got another stock air box and air filter off ebay for less than $7. I cut the plastic away and left only what needed to be there, to mount the air filter. Then I put tape over the holes in the back of the air filter and routed some tubing ($5) from the crank case breather nipples to a small breather filter, $10 (that is hidden behind the air cover under the throttle body). This helps get more air to the motor but I mainly did it as a temporary fix to keep the oil out of my air filter until I get a good system like the Ness big sucker or something. If I need warranty work I can put the original back on to avoid questions. As for as sound goes, do like Larry and listen to other bikes to see what you like. Hog on a budget is ok but make sure every thing you do looks professional or make sure it is hidden. Nothing is worse to me than to see a bunch of shoddy looking crap on a $18-20,000 bike.
  6. Johnny O.

    Johnny O. New Member

    Jun 4, 2005
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    Oh yeah, I ran for a few days before I installed the DFO and I put a nice blue ring around the front of the right side muffler. That means it was too lean and made the exhaust too hot. So have the PC ready when you get the pipes or get the download.
  7. navyman

    navyman New Member

    Sep 10, 2005
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    Cincinnati, Ohio
    I have a friend who is a very experienced Harley mechanic who is going to do the install for me.
  8. CD

    CD Guest

    Don't wait for V&H call Sam at 800-368-6217 he knows the products top to nottom.
  9. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Sound is a personal selection

    The V&H pipes have a deep tone, louder than stock or HD SE pipes, but not too loug again IMHO.

    Long shots with the baffles in are loud, take them out and they are Dang LOUD!

    Had a set sold them, should have kept them look great sound great, but performance wise they are not so great.

    If you are concerned with being too loud, then get a set of HD SE slip on mufflers, or Khrome Werks or Cycle Shack, in order of loudness,

    If you go with the tapered pipes the sound kicks out the back, if you get slash cut it's out to the side and can be hard on the ears.

    V&H slip ons are good.

    What the dealer is saying is when you do pipes the stock ECM won't handle a significant change, so you will be increasing the outflow which leans the motor out and you need more fuel, A dfo or powercommander are fine, by adding the SE or Ness filter and the tuning device you get the best bang for the buck when it comes to adding power to the motor and it's worth doing.
  10. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    Sam be the man!

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