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Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by pearlblackharley, May 30, 2006.

  1. pearlblackharley

    pearlblackharley New Member

    May 30, 2006
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    ready to do get some more performance out of the ride
    but dont want to delete the warranty.
    what can be done to a cv fxdwg
    like hypercharger wide tire kits
    exhaust seat and the likes
    what about the engine chip
    can it be readily changed to a higher rpm redline without harming the engine?
    frankly i dont really want it cracked open and start enlarging the displacement yet aNYWAY,maybe when it is due for rering the internals will go hotter.
    these are full rollers right?
    do they have locks on the rockers or are they simply rollers also
    havent found alot on the engines yet any factory service manuals out of the 05 fxdwg yet

    i just love this rookie stuff,and done ran hell track at 16 also,blew up a few crotch rockets,got tired of old harleys,and got a new one.
    looks promisings huh, not me i dont promise anything,except if she looks good we will break in the seat really well
    Last edited: May 30, 2006
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    welcome to the board!!!!!! if you will do a search on "stage one" modifications on this board, ya may just find what you are looking for. it will cost a bit but ya wont have to "crack it open to enlarge displacement" hope this helps

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