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07 Woods Cam Change

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by hotroadking, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Last night bud brought over his Street Glide, 2007, he bought a set of woods 6-6 cams which are bolt in performance cams, a set of HD adjustable pushrods and some gaskets.

    Wifes out of town for the weekend with daughter and it's a good a time as any.

    Put it up on the Kendon, drained the oil and changed filter (he needed to do that anyway and it was warm from him riding it over) By that time most of the stuff was cool enough to take off.

    Barry's always watching when I work, usually a little closely, so this time I hand him some tools,
    Remove floorboard and right exhaust, he had the trans mounting bolt in upsidedown because it wouldnt fit easily the other way, bolt too long for the area under the tranny. Then off with the ac and backing plate.
    Removed the cam cover, power drills sure are nice when you have all those screws.

    Popped open the pushrod covers and grabbed the cutters, asked him if he was ready for this, no turning back now, once we cut we have to go on, he said yeah so I cut out the pushrods pulled the tubes apart to reuse the upper halves, put magnets in lifters and it was about 1630. He wanted to head home so I gave him a ride, and got the SM from him so I'd have the tq values and know how stuff was supposed to go together LOL

    Was going to wait until tonight to finish but said WTH, off with the cam plate, removed the chain tensioner, should have taken a picture but it had some groves from the chain, not as bad as the old ones but looks to me like people will need to check those out at about 40K. His has 20K not ridden hard and there are two grooves, unless those grooves are built in to the part but it didn't look that way. The new tensioners are a piece of cake to remove. Two tork screws, that's it.

    BTW you have to pry the 07 and up cam plate off with a flat screwdriver, pry bar whatever to get under it and apply a bit of pressure and it pops right out.

    Cam plate out, the cams are held in by one tensioner on the rear, similar to the front, two allens and it's out. (WTF HD doesn't use the same bolts all over you'd think it would cut assembly time and costs) Anyway cams pop right (fall is more like it) out, pull off chain, keeping it in proper rotation.

    No cam gears to press on and off - yeah that's finally smart
    No bearing retainer plate - excellent less work and parts

    So I popped the woods cams into the chain, lined them up, and dropped them into the plate, oiled the journals with 20W-50 as thats whats in them and assembled with rear tensioner.

    Did I mention it's a boat load easier so far no pressing, oh and the cam ends and plate journals showed no nicks or wear marks looked new.

    So cam plate back in, spacers on properly, outer cam gears and chain slip right on, tighten, then thew tensioner, piece of cake, setup the pushrods, HD has changed them from the last time, the upper rod has 4 flat sides vs the two on the old one, duh like that wasn't an obviously good idea. Tighten to zero then 2.5 turns on the lower rod, let sit 10, check, tighten, All 4 were easily set, reasembled the covers (I hate those frigging upper clips)

    Put the DTT O2 sensors in the pipes and installed them (you have to remove the rear on VH true duals to put in a wideband sensor due to the frigging stupid angle of the bung.

    Fired it up and it ran and sounded fine. Will check again at noon as it was too late to keep running it.

    Have to complete hooking up the WEGO IID to the sensors and ECM so we can fine tune it.
  2. duke76

    duke76 New Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    NW Iowa
    I agree lots easier, that is another reason I switched to this style on my 05, besides crank runout, piece of cake, even a caveman could do it, Todd
  3. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    yup. the 07 up are hours easier than the 06 and back!!!!!!!!!! piece of cake job, no special tools required, few hrs and a couple of dollars and ya have a new set of cams that will make the bike run as it should have from the factory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
  4. duke76

    duke76 New Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    NW Iowa
    hey Chuck, glad you got rid of the old lady saying you had pornography on your computer, I was getting sick of looking at old ladies and ready to look at some younger skin, Todd
  5. stevenh

    stevenh New Member

    Dec 17, 2005
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    New Hampshire
    Thanks, That was a good post. Easier to understand than a service manual... I notice you mention magnets in the lifters. Is that to keep them from falling out while working on it?
    I've not had to go that far into mine yet but will have to someday I'm sure.
  6. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    yes, that is one way to hold the llifters up while you pull the cams....another way is with binder clip handles.....and i am sure there are other ways also. the goal is to hold the lifters up so the cams may be removed and installed.....:)
  7. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Yes I use the telescoping magnets, I have several, pull up the lifter to it's highest point and then angle over the magnet or tie it up with bungees, doesn't take much,

    Jims makes a special tool for them

    The big binder clip is one way and in the manual.
  8. stevenh

    stevenh New Member

    Dec 17, 2005
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    New Hampshire
    Thanks again.... It's hard to pay attention when reading Chuck's posts these days... might have something to do with the avatar's...:D
  9. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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