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$18.00 for a genuine Harley *&^(_*&^$#@ Spare Key?

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by AZroaddust, Oct 15, 2006.

  1. AZroaddust

    AZroaddust New Member

    Sep 22, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Phoenix, AZ
    I went to the local H-D dealer to see abut getting a spare ignition key. Home Depot or other hardware stores in the area don't have the correct blanks to cut a new one.

    So the H-D guy makes me show a picture ID and the registration to prove it's my bike. OK, that's OK. Might stop some dude from ripping off a bike.

    After checking my VIN with H-D, it's determined that the key I've been using for almost 3 month "isn't the right one, according to our computer". F--k their computer. It fits, it works fine. How did he think I rode over their Sherlock, as he's staring at my bike out the window?

    The genius tells me he can order the key for $36.00 (well that's for TWO - Harley "only makes them in pairs"), but he says he won't gaurantee that it will work. "Of course, I'll give you your money back if they don't work" he tells me. No S--t Dick Tracey! I hope to crap in your flat hat if they don't!

    I guess I'll try a real LOCKSMITH on Monday. I have a feeling that the ignition switch got changed at some time in it's life and no record exists with H-D's great computer in the sky!

    Sorry, just had to vent on this one. By the way, it costs a whooping $1.85 (plus tax) to get a car key cut at Home Depot. And you can buy ONE or THREE, NOT TWO or FOUR!! And Harley want's $18.00 each with a two key minimum order!!!!! Oh heck, there goes my blood pressure ^ again...
    :mad: :mad: :mad:

    GEEEEZZ I hope somebody at H-D corporate reads some of these postings. I'm almost tempted to go back to a HONDA.

    H-D, you're getting way too big for your britches and your good ride may be coming to an end if you don't get with the program.:D

    SPORSTERBOY New Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    spokane, wa.
    Hey That's Cheap! Ford Wants 100 For My Truck Key. That Laser Tech Stuff They Say. Looks Like A Regular Key To Me.
  3. AZroaddust

    AZroaddust New Member

    Sep 22, 2006
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    Phoenix, AZ
    I hear you, but consider this. Your key probably has a Chicom computer chip worth an extra 37 cents imbedded in it, so I fully understand the reasonable markup on it! (Don't suppose it's got a tracking device in it too does it)?

    You SURE it doesn't?????

    UNBELIEVABLE the s--t some companies are (temporarily) getting away with and some people wonder why jobs and mfg. are going overseas?

    Wake up Corporate America IF it isn't too late already (It is too late, I'm afraid)!
  4. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    I bought 6 Yamaha keys on eBay for $6 each and took em to a locksmith to have made..worth a shot.
  5. AZroaddust

    AZroaddust New Member

    Sep 22, 2006
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    Phoenix, AZ
    Thanks for the Heads Up SK!

    All sorts of em listed. I'll check my parts manual tomorrow to confirm the series, or there are some listed as: Sportster 1994-06, so those should do it.

    I'll get em if there is no Locksmith in town that can do it. Then I can take the blanks to any key-cutter and get them made.

    Thanks again!!:)
  6. CD

    CD Guest

    How about $75.00 for the Dodge electronic key and an additional $150.00 to program it.
  7. AZroaddust

    AZroaddust New Member

    Sep 22, 2006
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    Phoenix, AZ
    Oh my gosh! Does that include the Vaseline too?:confused:
  8. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Wow, I must really be out of touch or behind the times of today.
    My vehicle, you just need to twist a couple of wires together and it will crank right up. :eek:
  9. mwelych

    mwelych Active Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Charlotte, NC
    I had missplaced my keys to my Wrangler one day (actually my ferret hid them under the X-mass tree), and after spending a good part of Sunday all over the Charlotte area retracing my steps, I had to break down and pay a locksmith 125 bucks for a new key. After the kids, my wife and I opened presents, we found the key. Under the X-mas tree. What an expensive trick she played on me. :)
  10. CD

    CD Guest

    Nope, that's an additional $5.00 for the lube and $2.00 for applicator and she ain't even pretty. :eek:
  11. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    If you're going to be near one of the major events they can make one up there they have the blanks, had a couple made for my bike.

    Here's the thing, if you ever have to replace the ignition set it will come with a different key, so all you have to do is remove the key section and swap it to the new switch.

    Easy to do biggest concern is making sure that you don't move the black section around, take out the bolts, turn over and lift the chrome switch off holding the black section down, you'll see the brass inserts sitting there

    Do the same for the new switch and then swap them.

    Same key, new switch.
  12. CD

    CD Guest

    Here's a scary thought for ya. A while back I read a thread on another forum about round keys. A member that is a locksmith said that round keys have nowhere near the number of possible combinations that a normal key switch does and it is fairly common for someone to have a key that will work on someone else's bike.

    :eek: :eek:
  13. stevenh

    stevenh New Member

    Dec 17, 2005
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    New Hampshire

    I thought it was on this forum where someone said a vending machine service rep can unlock a Harley. Maybe not, could be B.S.
  14. CD

    CD Guest

    Hmm, could be a brain fart on my part...Did a quick search on it but came up empty.
  15. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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  16. AZroaddust

    AZroaddust New Member

    Sep 22, 2006
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    Phoenix, AZ
    Fina !

    Found a locksmith in Mesa (after I "let my fingers do the walking") and he cut one for me in 2 minutes. He then APOLOGIZED that he had to charge me $5.45 including tax because the blanks aren't that common!! He said if it were just a plain Jane car key it would have been under $2.00.

    I thought (very briefly - aaarrggggg) about kissing him, but just said "thank you" and paid him instead.:)
  17. DeathWind

    DeathWind New Member

    Mar 27, 2004
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    Jacksonville, FL
    30% markup at a minimum

    Not surprised your "suggested retail" $10.50 key cost $18 but only has an actual cost of $6.53. This is what kills me....markup on the HD parts. Some dealers (very few) take 20-30% off HDs prices and they are still making good money, but giving a reasonable discount to attract business.

    Take the 95" kit for my 06 Road Glide:
    p/n 29886-06 is $1049.95 from the local dealer (absolutely positively no discounts so help us HD) and 887.74 from a dealer giving a discount.
    This kit to the dealer from the motor company cost $739.78. I would and probably will pay the $887.74...but at a later date....

    If I had a 07 model and wanted the 110" kit:

    p/n 29845-07 is $2459.95 from the local dealer and $2064 a dealer giving a discount. This kit to the dealer from the motor company cost $1720.

    Actual cost versus the "suggested retail" is anywhere from 30-55% markup. It appears that the lower the actual cost the higher the % of markup.

    And don't even get started on the labor cost. Take a single bulb replacement.... you will be charged .1 hours of labor. That would be $7 at the local dealer to replace the bulb...not to include the dielectric grease and bulb cost.

    So, why do they do this? Becasue we keep buying the "Genuine HD" parts from these dealers. That is one reason I do not buy from the local dealer. I get a better price through online HD dealers giving good discount and aftermarket parts from here...
  18. AZroaddust

    AZroaddust New Member

    Sep 22, 2006
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    Phoenix, AZ
    Right on Deathwind! One of my several motos is NEVER, as in never ever, pay MSRP for ANYTHING!

    I do a lot of E-baying. Usually you can find enough of a description, model number, whatever someplace. I then check out the MFG's home site and as many resellers of the item that I can find to get a good average street price.

    After all that, I don't win the bid because I will not pay more than the full bore MSRP PLUS shipping for a "Slightly used in good condition item"! I see firearm magazines and parts go for OVER list price all the time to some of these clueless idiots!

    There is on particular H-D dealer that does a lot of discount selling and I'm communicating with them about a new speedometer even as we speak. Could be the same one you refer to but I dont' know if we are to mention that sort of thing or not.

    Isn't this forum atually sponsored by a dealer or after-market guy? (Direct-Parts, Inc tm)
  19. CD

    CD Guest

    MSRP and price book hot rodding

    While price gouging is a problem with some dealers, there are commonly accepted mark up standards in this and any other industry.

    If you have been in business for any length of time, you understand what price book hot rodding is and why it is necessary. An item that costs you .06¢ is going to have at least a 50% or higher mark up. Why? It is simple economics really. For example, the costs expended to order, receive, stock and sell a .06¢ item is the same as a $6.00 or $60.00 or even a $600.00 item. If you do not have a decent markup on low cost items, you actually loose money on everyone of them you sell. When you "hot rod" price books is usually done on a sliding scale with a higher markup on lower cost items. The traditional mark up in this industry is from 15% to 25% on very high cost items like engines, tranny etc. and up to 50% on lower cost items.

    What would happen if you go to Home Depot and pick up a .13¢ washer and go to the counter and tell the clerk that they are ripping the customer off because you know it only costs them .06¢ and you want a discount?

    Put yourself in the shop owners boots. Let's say you get a ten pack of gaskets and they cost you $23.75 for the 10 pack or $2.38 each. What is a fair markup? Remember, there is a built in cost for every item you order, receive, stock and sell. What's fair?

    Marc has owned a Snap On tool business and now inspects houses. If you were a wrench at a shop he used to service would you ask him for a discount because the Snapper head that services your brothers shop does? Would you ask him for a discounted home inspection? Of course not. Yet, for some wierd reason, it is perfectly acceptable for customers to put pressure on HD shop owners to sell at lower and lower prices. Why is that? Is it because we have purchased bikes that cost a lot and now feel entitled to discounted parts? If you buy a new Mustang do you hit the friendly Motorcraft store up for big discounts because you spent the $$$?
    What is going on here?

    There are two increasingly frustrating things about this industry to me. First, everybody wants top notch products, first rate service and a great price. Retail is too much to pay by golly because the manufacturer and the dealer is making a ton of profit on every sale. Secondly, Internet shops have no overhead or very low overhead and should be able to sell at extremely high discounts.

    Here are some simple facts for you to ponder. A particular exhaust system retails for $899.00 the cost is just over $600.00. Street price using a normal discount would be $800.00 or so. Now, here is the kicker. This same exhaust sells for less than $700.00 shipped on EBay. Why? Is it a fair price to buy at? Let's see, it costs $600.00 plus about $20.00 average shipping so if you sell the exhaust at an even $700.00 (actually it is a lot less) that means you theoretically make a "nice" $80.00 profit right? Wrongo buckos! No one wants to take into account what a shops overhead is. By the time it is all said and done, you are lucky if the net profit is $20.00. Not too attractive if you are on the other side of the coin is it? Why in the world would anyone want to do business in this manner? And, don't think volume always makes up for it either. Every item you sell has built in overhead and whether it is one or ten, that cost is the same.

    I recently had a long discussion about EBay with a fellow shop owner and while he is in a different type of business we both agree that EBay is going to be a nightmare in the long run. There are so many parts whores on EBay that it is not even funny. The really sad part is that in the long run, the customer looses. Most exhaust manufacturers, Kuryakyn, Mikuni, Dynojet and others will not warranty any product purchased from EBay unless you can provide an invoice from an approved dealer. So, you buy a PCIIIUSB, get it home and find it is bad, what then? Short term greed is going to turn into a long term PITA for many unsuspecting EBayers. I was told recently that there are even fake Dynojet carb kits being sold on EBay and people are buying them and getting upset at Dynojet because it is a fake and they should take care of it! Talk about gall! Good grief, you buy a "Dynojet" carb kit on EBay for less than half of retail, find out it is counterfeit when you call for support and get ticked off at them for it? WTF!

    Eventually, most if not every manufacturer and distributor will have a clause in their dealer agreement preventing their products from being sold via auction unless it is used or damaged. I know of at least one manufacturer that has it in draft form. EBay has it's place and it should be allowed to exist but, it is a scab on retails ass to me.
  20. CD

    CD Guest

    "And don't even get started on the labor cost. Take a single bulb replacement.... you will be charged .1 hours of labor. That would be $7 at the local dealer to replace the bulb...not to include the dielectric grease and bulb cost."

    Okay, flip side. What does it cost the dealer for the tech, tech training, building, utilities, support employees, insurance etc? Of that $7.00 how much is the net profit? There are costs to running a business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, open or closed. Are they not supposed to charge labor at all? How do they pay the techs? Or, do they hire sub-standard wrenches that will royally screw up your ride?

    There shops that over charge labor but $7.00 to change a bulb is far less than a .5 hr minimum many garages charge for any service no matter how trivial.

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