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1988 Springer, Ignition module problems

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Whitsett, Jul 25, 2005.

  1. Whitsett

    Whitsett New Member

    Feb 18, 2005
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    Seymour, Indiana
    I have a 1988 springer softail. The problem I have been having is the other day while riding the bike just shut off. Let it sit for a couple mins, and it started back up. I rode the bike a couple times after that and no problem. Then the last time I took the bike out, the first half of the trip went great. On the way home (starting to get dark), the headlight and dash light got real real bright and the bike died. turned the ignition switch off and when I tried to restart the bike the ignition module started to smoke. turned the key off again, checked out some wires and cant find anything wrong. turned the key on and she started to smoke again. Anyone have any ideas where to start looking?
  2. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Double Diagnoses

    Pheeeewww-weee Whitsett, a double shade-tree diagnoses for you,,, The first half of your anecdote, tells me to start at the coil.

    The second half tells me that you could have a direct short somewhere, and to start at the ignition :eek:

    The incidences occur at two different times so,,, It could be two different problems, or one that’s having fun with your bike. :confused:

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