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2001 fxdxt carb frustration!

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by Pimonberg, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. Pimonberg

    Pimonberg Member

    Aug 28, 2014
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    Ok, first let me say, I was hit by a drunk driver a little over a year ago (which is why the bike sat), the air cover I had on it was toast, but the carb seemed absolutely untouched and perfect. I don't know if that accident could have messed something up or not.

    That being said, I have a 2001 Dyna FXDXT. I had installed a K&N filter and Thunderheader on my bike and found it to be running badly. After a little digging I found out that the carb was actually leaking from the gaskets rotting out (bike had sat for about a year, prior). Well, I went on to buy (1) Carburetor Rebuild Kit - Harley CV Carburetor & (1) Harley Carb Premium Tuners Kit for the Twin Cam 88 1999-2006 from CV Performance. I rebuilt the carb and installed the 195 jet and the 46 idle jet. The bike runs absolutely horrible now. In fact, it didn't run at all at first. I installed the float fuel valve from the kit, and found that it didn't allow the float to move freely at all. I also installed the cvp needle included in the kit and found it to be a MUCH different shape than the stock needle (did I order the wrong kit perhaps?). Once I switched back the float fuel valve to the stock one, the bike would finally fire and run, though not well. I tried adusting the air/fuel mixture per the included instructions and found that I could screw the EZ adjust ALL the way in and the bike would still run- it seemed to have no effect on it. So, I rode the bike around the block, and it ran worse and worse until it finally died. I pulled the plugs and they were jet black, and I mean JET black. Cleaned them, pulled the carb, installed the original 190 and 45 jets (since it seemed to be running extremely rich), and once again the bike fired and ran, but still nothing when I screwed the EZ adjust all the way in. After another ride around the block, the plugs still came out JET black, just like before. I also tried changing back to the stock needle, though I don't remember which groove it was set at when I took the carb apart (I either took the c-clip on the needle off or it fell off). I've tried it on almost every setting and it won't seem to run right or won’t run at all. I've literally had this carb off 19 times now and I am beyond discouraged. I'm wondering if I need to just scrap the whole thing and buy an S&S?
  2. 98lowrider

    98lowrider Active Member

    Aug 18, 2014
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    Isn't stock 45/180 on a tc? Id check a couple things. I'm still fighting mine too but make sure your enricher or choke is off and closing. You have to remove the top and slide to see if it's closed. Could be stuck Partially open. I'd check the slide make sure it's not over drilled I'm on my second. Soon to be 3rd slide gave up bought new this last time. Also make sure your needle and retainer are in right and the retainer is holding the needle down. Check the needle jet too. It can go into the carb body upside down and will run like shit. If you removed the emulsion it might have dropped out and could easily be out in upside down

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