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2002 1200c with premium kit

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by Ssgtob1, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. Ssgtob1

    Ssgtob1 New Member

    Jun 27, 2013
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    Hi, I have a 2002 1200c sportster with a kuraykyn hyper charger and cycle shack drag pipes. It was coughing out the carb, so I ordered the cvp premium kit, a new slide, and all three intake seals. I just got done installing everything and now it runs better but not perfect. At first it would only run with the enrichener pulled all the way out. I turned the idle screw two turns in from where it hits the throttle and then it would idle good. When riding it backfires out the exhaust and it backfires out the exhaust at idle. It does this no matter where I have the ez just set. If I turn the ez just out past two turns it lets out puffs of black smoke from exhaust. Please help.....
  2. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Hi Ssgtob1, there are a couple of things to check. Before doing anything I would plug the vacuum hose that leads to the Hypercharger. These are notorious for adding to vacuum leaks and without isolating that first you could be making meaningless adjustments that don't seem to work.

    First make sure there are no other vacuum leaks. Test for leaks around the manifold using the propane method. See this article:
    Harley CV Carburetor - Tuning Issues and Troubleshooting

    Vacuum leaks are the #1 cause of problems following any work to the intake system.

    Next verify that the needle jet is in place and right-side-up. Again the article listed is a good source and has a picture of this part. If missing or installed upside down you will have problems similar to described.

    Smoke and backfiring is another indication that the air/idle mixture circuit is not passing the proper mixture of air and fuel, so there could be a clog in the passages running between the mixture screw (EZ-Just), pilot jet, and front air intake port.

    I can't emphasize enough, check for vacuum leaks. These have a sneaky way of making everything else run poorly.

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