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2003 fxdl clutch

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by TAZ1957, Jan 16, 2011.

  1. TAZ1957

    TAZ1957 New Member

    Jan 14, 2011
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    I have a technical question.

    Last Year I had my primary apart I noticed a clutch hub wobble.
    Since I had it apart recently putting a 84 tooth ring gear on I checked the
    run out on the main shaft. I noticed it was out .005 to .10.
    I called a transmission rebuilder in Ohio and explained what I had found
    asking him to quote rebuilding my tranny and putting a Andrews main shaft
    He told me to save my money due to the fact that almost all of them are out
    of tolerance.
    It shifts fine and the clutch works perfectly and probably has been like
    that since it was new. Have you run across this before? I already purchased
    a 5 speed with 1000 miles on it and it is sitting on my shelf in the garage.

    Just some input would be helpful before I tear it all apart or do you think
    I should wait till I really need to.
  2. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    I'am not sure on the newer 5 spds , I did have have mine premery open last year & did't notices any play in my 03 FLHTP ,I would say if you have the other tran's just change it out & rebuild the one at your own pace , But double check the new trans for the same play & welcome to BT

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