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2003 Sportster Hugger

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by HDScooter, May 27, 2004.

  1. HDScooter

    HDScooter New Member

    May 27, 2004
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    Eastern Washington
    I am trying to find a turn signal relocation kit for my Sporty that will relocate my rear turn signals (horizontally) to the license-plate bracket area. I purchased Easy Brackets for my saddlebags, but what HD sold me for relocating the turn signals puts the signals where the brackets go. I am searching websites, including this one, for any kinds of relocation kits that will work, but that are not to relocate the signals to the rear hole of the fender guard. HD sold me some of those already, :rolleyes: and they obviously won't work. :eek: HELLLLLP!! :) Thanks!
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    You might be able to use the bracket off an FXD Dyna. Look at how these are mounted. With a little modification they may work.
  3. Old_Goat

    Old_Goat New Member

    May 6, 2006
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    Turn Signal Relocation

    I had the same problem for my 2006 Sportster Custom. I just purchased a Turn-Signal Relocation lit from www.jpcycles.com. The part number is #3200235 and it's only $32.99 + shipping and tax. It's a chrome bar that mounts at your license plate bracket and the fender and you relocate the wiring and original (or custom) turn signal; lights to it.

    I'll probably start installing it this weekend.

    If you want some step-by step instructions to do this, go to http://www.bikernet.com/sportsters/PageViewer.asp?PageID=623

    There is a complete description of the procedure - may be the same for your bike. Good luck!

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