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2004 CA wide glide pipes

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by RickWG, Jun 16, 2004.

  1. RickWG

    RickWG New Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Just bought a 2004 wide glide and considering the addition of new pipes. Only want a little more sound than the stock pipes and the Screamin eagles should give me what I want. Besides, I don't want to wake the whole neighborhood at 6:30AM when I roll out of the garage. I have a couple of questions though.
    (since I'm new to this...)

    The HD site says that the SE pipes are illegal for sale and use with CA emissions equipped vehicles. Is there anything else I should know other than replacing the pipes? Smog stuff...etc. (Um, don't care about the illegal thing so much as the smog warranty stuff.)

    Will this void the smog warranty?

    Any suggestions would be welcome as I'm here to learn.
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    It shouldn't void the smog warranty the dealer would have to prove the part caused the problem under the FTC magnusson moss act.

    I would keep the stock pipes in the garage for inspection time in case you need them to get the sticker.

    Talk with the SM if you are concerned about it, you'll find out quickly about your dealers attitude towards performance oriented bikes, a good one is into the process, wants to sell HD SE stuff anyway. See what he/she says about adding the se parts,

    Also while you're at it stick on the SE high flow air filter kit, that and a upgrade to ECM or carb tune will make a big difference in the way the motor runs.
  3. RickWG

    RickWG New Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    I checked the CA DMV web site and they say that they don't require smog checks of motorcycles "Smog inspections are required for all vehicles except diesel powered vehicles, motorcycles, or vehicles with a year model 30 years old or older." So I guess I'm ok. I'll check it out a bit more but that brings up another question.
    Why do they put the smog stuff onthere if it's not going to be smogged?

    O well, one of lifes mysteries I guess.

    I suppose I could call HD and find out their take.

    Thanks for the reply.
  4. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Thank your CA governmental environmental protection group. :(

    They are the ones that have impacted the new rules on motorcycles nationally, in 06 we'll see the restrictive cat converters and pipes on all HD's nationwide, regardless if we live in a smog free environment. :confused:

    CA's problems deal with population density and poor ventilation of the air over the mountians. So CA air board messes with restrictions and the EPA just follows along.

    No big deal but its a buncha hooey! Not enough motorcycles to fog up the air in newport beach much less impact SoCal. :eek:

    Anyway just keep the stock stuff in the garage or mount the pipes on the wall put a frame around it and call it art LOL
  5. CD

    CD Guest

    And Z Liberals keep marching on..

    Maybe the Guvernator will terminate the CARB? Won't help, there are far to many liberals to fill in.

    Remember that earthquake TV movie not long ago? Something like 10.0? I just happened to tune in at the end where California was a big assed island and Arizona had a lot of beach front. Hmmm?
  6. RickWG

    RickWG New Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Hmmm, here's a story

    The wrenches down at San Diego Harley say that CA doesn't smog mc's so I should be safe.
    The SE's don't mess with the smog
    The highflow air won't mess with the smog
    The download for the efi might but, again, CA doesn't smog mc's.

    Like you said, keep em on the garage wall and call em art.

    Anyone know what those three items should cost?
    SD harley said they would run about 7-8 hundred or so. Can I do it cheaper?
  7. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    own a 02 CARB WIDE GLIDE

    I simply put on a pair of slip ons and left the rest factory exhuast(I believe in a cross over tube for torque motors).."the sound opens up when ya want them and stays calm when ya need'em to..they work great with the air cleaner kit mentioned above, this is my second wide glide..I also have not had a problem with any vibrations, since the slip ons are the same length. I do know there are a few lengths/types of pipe you might want to stay away from.Your engine is rubber mounted and balanced with the pipes(different lengths can cause vibrations while riding I know thunder headers do for sure) CD will help you alot..MY buddy's low rider has some vibrations and he his still chasing the right set up for his bike meanwhile I am cruising and no problems created from too lean or too rich. Slip ons are EZ and you can have them on in a matter of minutes!!! and YOU will notice the difference in sound as well as some mid pick up..put on the cleaner kit and you'll be happy!!!! :) ride it before you tinker it too much and wet it way out!!LOL Have fun!!! And HD will sell you soo much stuff you end up building another bike!! Do yourself a favor and your wallet and take your time, this page is great !!!!
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2004
  8. SISK

    SISK New Member

    Jun 2, 2004
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    Las Vegas
    Smog in S.D. C.A.


    I'm a S.D. resident too. Don't sweat the smog issue. The bikes come into CA compliant with the CA emissions. Bikes destined for CA have a different emission standard than the other 49 state bikes. Once you've purchased it, you can do whatever mods you want. You won't have to take it in for future smog inspection like you do for cars (at least until they decide to change the law :mad: ).

    As far as saving some bucks, I recommend checking around on the Direct Parts website for pipes or slip-ons that will meet your needs. There is no tax, and shipping is free if you order more than $250.00, so that alone will save some cash.

    If you do go with H-D, see if San Diego H-D will give a HOG discount. I don't know if they offer discounts to HOG members, but I know El Cajon H-D gives a 10% discount to their HOG members. It will cost you $15 to join El Cajon HOG, but on a large purchase such as slip ons and air cleaner, you will save more with the 10% discount than the membership cost. Plus the 10% discount is good anytime for future purchases.

    Happy accessorizing,


    Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
    -- Ronald Reagan (1986)
  9. RickWG

    RickWG New Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Thanks for the tips!

    Thanks for the tips guys. Yeah, When you buy a new one from SDHD they enroll you in the HOG chapter automatically. Now that you mention it I do remember they mentioned a discount for HOG members. I'll check into the discounts. Where in SD are you from? El Cajon?

    Glad to hear about the no smog rule. I also checked the DMV website and there has been talk of smogging MC's in the future. :( gotta say I'm not happy about that.

    Good thing is the weekend is coming up :D Going for a long ride to finish out the break in period on the bike. Maybe I'll get the mods done before the Bigbear rally next weekend. (hmmm. maybe not. Kinda close )
  10. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    I'll bet they are smog tested by 06 when the new rules for emissions go into effect nationwide (Thanks CARB)

    I'd look at some alternative pipes for slip ons, lots of good options,

    www.khromewerks.com has a good set of performance slip ons in the hp+ line, get the tapered the bologna IMHO will hurt your ears as it puts sound out to the side and on longer hauls it's a PIA.

    CD should be able to get them, cycleshack, any number of slip ons. HD"s are not bad but they are not the best IMHO.

    A SE high flow filter kit is a straight bolt on and then tune the carb/efi.

    If efi get a dfo.

    All told you'll spend $600 or so on the three and no labor if you do it yourself.

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