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2004 EFI Dyna V and H Slip ons-lean or Ok

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by danocanada, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. danocanada

    danocanada New Member

    Jun 11, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Hi to all first,
    I put on a set of V&H slip ons and added the V&H Fuel Pak. I put the K&N air Filter on it but not the 3909 stage one type. The bike runs smooth and fast with the fuel pak with zero adjustments, when I went and set up the fuel pak with the appropriate settings the bike had a lot of increased vibration, along with some low speed hiccups when warmed up. Called V&H and they had me adjust one value down. V&H as all may know are top secret about there settings and what they do. The hiccups went away, but the ride is still noticeably shaky. It is as smooth as glass when set at zero in all modes. Is the fuel pak really needed to increase the fuel flow? How lean were 04's out of the box? I've looked at the plugs at various times after stock setting runs and after the fuel pak was "mapped" as instructed and notice no difference. How lean is too lean and why the increased vibration with the fuel pak "mapped"? I prefer the ride ability without the fuel pak but also don't want to burn the pistons up...thanks for all responses.
  2. skull2007

    skull2007 Active Member

    Feb 5, 2007
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    middleburg, pa
    not going with a full stage I air filter is a real curve ball..... Why. are you saying that V/H don't offer any public info on how to set things up? doesn't sound good. good luck:devil:
  3. danocanada

    danocanada New Member

    Jun 11, 2007
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    They give you the settings but don't elaborate as to which one adjusts what. being that there are 18 modes with variable increases or decreases it would be nice to know which mode does what and what values are changed when doing so. I've emailed and get the same settings to use regardless of the issue. I called and was given the short reply ...change value "X" to this instead of that. Nothing more and nothing less. I'm not to impressed with their tech support.
  4. skull2007

    skull2007 Active Member

    Feb 5, 2007
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    middleburg, pa
    sounds you need to start over:eek: if i where in your situation i first start with a real stage I air cleaner and go with either:
    1. thundermax (expensive) by far the best
    2. Powercomander III A little less than race tuner, easy to use and install
    3. racetuner. down fall here is that will have deal with the steeler,, and its more complicated to use. i stongly recommend you stay far from the steeler at this point.

    that aircleaner set up you're using may be somewhat restrictive compared to a actual stage 1 if so it'll keep you from going to lean "maybe" but i'm not sure:devil:
  5. danocanada

    danocanada New Member

    Jun 11, 2007
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    Thanks, I'm afraid i was too lean now but from what V&H states you need to go with a stage 1 as well. The K&N is better than stock but not as free flowing as a stage 1. I'm tempted to go back to the stock a/c and no fuel pak with just the V&H Slipons until I get the stage 1 a/c and trash the Fuel Pak and go with the PCIII.
  6. skull2007

    skull2007 Active Member

    Feb 5, 2007
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    middleburg, pa
    your're going to end up with a stage 1 A/C anyways so why not put one on now then you're be able to get that fuel pack dailed in. least this way your're moving forward:rocket_bike:
  7. danocanada

    danocanada New Member

    Jun 11, 2007
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    It's on order, I thought the same thing. If it and the fuel pak don't work out then I'll dump the fuel pak and go PCIII. Read the data on the Thundermax and it really does sound like the best choice. When I win the lotto I'll order one of those.:roflmao:
  8. danocanada

    danocanada New Member

    Jun 11, 2007
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    things are great

    Hey Skull, finally got the K & N 3909 and got things worked out real well with the Fuel Pak, running sweet as can be, Thanks for your help! :D

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