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2004 Sporty Help/Advice

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by Sporty1200, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. Sporty1200

    Sporty1200 New Member

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Hi All,

    Amazing forum you have set up, I can't believe how much I have picked up so far. I am VERY interested in picking up and installing a Stage 1 Kit and I have a few questions. I should describe my situation first. I picked up an 04 Sportster a couple years back, had SE air cleaner and V&H straightshots. The previous owner told me it had been jetted by the dealer. Last year I took it to another shop and was told the dealer didn't do anything right with the jet kit and that it needed to be adjusted, and I paid for it to be. Got the bike back, no real difference. It runs ok, but had a tendency to cough out if I crack the throttle from a stop or even if I rev up a bit to match RPM's when downshifting. I have no idea what jets are in there, or if the last shop drilled out the slide, etc. I am thinking about just purchasing a stage 1 kit w/ EZ-just; taking out the old jets, giving it a good cleaning and doing my best to adjust the idle/mixture. I also just installed an Arlen Ness big sucker stage II air kit (on clearance at the dealer, couldn't pass it up)

    So my questions are:

    1: Is the carb removal/breakdown a massive process that a person with average skill will find difficult?
    2: What are the reviews on the stage 1 kit for the 04 Sporty 1200?
    3: Could the coughing be due to something besides the jets, maybe an accelerator pump issue because it only does it from a stop or when cracking the throttle on a decel? And it is not a constant problem.

    I only want to get the most out of the setup I have without installing an aftermarket carb/etc.

    Thanks in advance for any help or advice, the site and forum are awesome.
  2. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    Yes the average guy can do it , best to have the service manual as well , I put the stage 1 kit in my Daughters 04 883 took out all the cough & help with MPG as well
  3. Sporty1200

    Sporty1200 New Member

    Mar 10, 2009
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    So the here and there cough is probably the jets and/or enricher as opposed to something different like the accelerator pump? Anybody out there used this kit on the 1200?

    Once I get the carb off the bike and broken down, is there any way I will know if the previous guy had the slide drilled out?
  4. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Correct I would not immediately suspect a problem with the accelerator pump since the problem is intermittent. More than likely a combination of jetting and mixture setting which the instructions will help you with.

    You will know if the slide has been drilled if the vacuum port hole is larger than 7/64". For years it has been common for people to drill out the slide with a 1/8" drill bit which I would not personally advise. If you can fit a 1/8 bit into that off-center hole then it has been drilled, and if that hole is substantially larger than 1/8 I would recommend a replacement slide.
  5. Sporty1200

    Sporty1200 New Member

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Sounds good. Thanks for all the help, I will let you know how the install goes. First time removing/disassembling the carb. Wish me luck.
  6. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    good luck, if ya have a problem, just ask!!!!!!!
  7. Sporty1200

    Sporty1200 New Member

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Well... got the carb off the bike. Figured I would start early, my kit hasn't arrived yet, but it is a rainy day and there isn't anything better to do.

    And inside, I found a notched needle (set on the 4th notch), 3 washers, a 170 main jet and a 48 idle. Not too mention, a 1/8" drill bit fits perfectly in the offset hole in the diaphragm slide.

    Oh, and I can't seem to get the pin out on the float, so I can't get that off to clean.

    Am I going to have to buy a new diaphram/sile?
  8. sarge7

    sarge7 New Member

    Jan 12, 2009
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    NE Indiana
    Sporty - check the rubber if it's brittle or cracked then replace it. As for the float pin; it should slide out with no trouble, lift up on the float and try using a small punch or nail to get it started then just slide it out out. Be careful ya don't bend the float tab as it will affect the float position. To see if it's correctly adjusted -turn the carb upside down and rest it on a level surface then tip it 15 to 20 degrees toward the float - if the float closes you are there. HDMN88 shot me a PM and said to make sure you have the washers under the spring to start with and add them under the jet as needed. Ride it first to find out what it's doing and make adjustments as needed.
    The 170 main jet should be just about right but like I said ride it first then make a call on changing it out.
    One other item on the slide - look for wear on the ears, if gouged replace it. They only cost about $25.
    Hope this helps.:)
  9. Sporty1200

    Sporty1200 New Member

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Picked up a new slide at the dealer. The old one was drilled at least twice the size as stock.

    As for the float pin... it's seriously stuck, not a chance at moving it, but the float appears to be operating just fine, so i'll leave it alone.

    I'll have to look at the directions for the stage 1 kit when it gets here as to whether or not I'll need the washers.
  10. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    The washers you have are not used with the kit needle so I wouldn't worry about those. As for the float pin, it takes some tapping with a small punch. There is a small arrow marked on top of the posts or side near the pin so make sure you punch it out in the right direction. It should be that hard to remove. If you don't have a small punch try a ground down nail. Unless the carb is real old you may not even need to worry about the float needle seat being worn, they are made from Viton and I've seen them outlast engines. It's when the carb sits and fuel turns to lacquer that they really need cleaning.
  11. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Here is a guide for setting the float level just in case it gets set incorrectly or if you change out the float needle.

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  12. Sporty1200

    Sporty1200 New Member

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Well, I came to find out that my kit did, in fact, get delivered today. Got her all put together, following all the steps. That rubber diaphragm was a bit tricky, hope it is seated ok. The slide seems to operate properly and is pushing air as it goes up and down.

    Does anyone know how loose/tight the throttle & idle cables should be? I just adjusted them so there is a hair of slack when the throttle is closed, seems ok.

    Last question, i hope :) When the EZ-just seats, gently, should I be able to see the tip of the pin sticking out of it's hole in the opening of the carb? It does not stick out at all when it is backed off 2 turns.

    The kit and the help have been great. I'm going to try to tune everything up first thing tomorrow. Don't think the neighbors would appreciate me doing it at 1AM.

    Attached a couple pics that I snapped with my phone. Keep the tips coming. Thank you guys for everything.

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  13. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Yes that is normal to have the mixture screw protrude into the throat when seated, and not visible when backed out.

    Another trick to get the slide diaphragm to seat is to place the part in the freezer for 5 minutes to slightly shrink the rubber. Thn place some vasaline or sparkplug boot grease in the top groove to hold it in place.

    Good luck with your early morning tuning, I'm sure your neighbors won't mind. :D

    BTW, pretty nice pictures for being from a cell phone! Bike looks nice.
  14. Sporty1200

    Sporty1200 New Member

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Well, tried to get it tuned this morning. Got warmed up with a couple laps around the neighborhood. The idle sounds fine, but I am having a real tough time getting the EZ-just to the right place.

    I started at two turnes from bottom, bike ran rough and would cough out or backfire like a shotgun any time I blipped the throttle. So I started making turns out in 1/8" increments. Problem is still there and I am a full 3 turns from being bottomed. Also, when I ride, it is pretty rough on the decel. Need some tuning advice please.

    Forgot to mention, when I blip the throttle and it coughs out... i get a big puff of black smoke out of the air filter. Too rich?? Maybe go back to 1 1/2 turns from bottom on the adjustment screw?
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2009
  15. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    You may have the mixture too rich. Take the mixture back down to 1-1/2 turns out from seat and start there. Also make sure that you didn't use any of the original washers/shims that were on that clip-style needle you replaced.
    You want the needle to install in this order (see attached below)

    Since you are dealing with a carburetor that several others have had their hands on previously I would want to make sure everything else is in order.

    1. Enrichener (aka choke), make sure it is fully screwed in and the plunger is seating. If not this could cause excessive fuel to be delivered.
    2. Needle Jet, this is often overlooked and left out (lost) during rebuilds. This part looks like a chrome bushing that protrudes into the venturi, where the tip of the needle drops into. It is held in place by the emulsion tube below it. If missing the delivery of fuel sprays uncontrollably when the needle lifts.
    3. Debris in the mixture screw passage. When replacing the mixture screw and packing (o-ring, washer) you should be certain that the old o-ring has been removed. Sometimes that piece will get lodged sideways in the passage and not initially be seen. While not necessarily causing a rich problem, in theory this could give a false sense of where the mixture screw actually seats.
    Pictures are worth a thousand words (or at least a few hundred) so since you are handy with your cell phone camera maybe you can snap some pictures of the carburetor inside and out so I can see if there is anything going on that would catch my eye.

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  16. Sporty1200

    Sporty1200 New Member

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Took it back apart; tried to photo step-by-step.

    It might take me a few posts

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  17. Sporty1200

    Sporty1200 New Member

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Part 2

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  18. Sporty1200

    Sporty1200 New Member

    Mar 10, 2009
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    And finally :)

    Attached Files:

  19. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    From looking at your pictures everything looks good (great pictures by the way). Everything looks clean but did you notice any oil in the carb when you disassembled it? How about the plugs, are they fouled with either soot or oil?
  20. Sporty1200

    Sporty1200 New Member

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Pulled the plugs; lots of soot. Dark black on the ceramic and white on the electrode tip. Rainy today so I couldn't take a test run and try to tune it up with the new plugs. Weather looks good for tomorrow.

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