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2006 Bandit Loss of Power & Vibration

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by joshv201, Oct 11, 2009.

  1. joshv201

    joshv201 New Member

    Oct 11, 2009
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    Hi Everyone

    I am a brand new member, though I have enjoyed the forum for some time. I have never had problems with my Bandit before, so never really needed to post anything, nor do I know a terrible lot about motorbike engines.

    I have a 2006 Bandit 1200 with about 22000 kms on it. It underwent a service at 18k and seemed to run pretty well after. Very recently, I noticed a little loss of power and a small vibration when I ran it over 4k rpms. At first I thought it was because it was running cold, but it happened again the next day. I have stopped riding it daily, fearing that I might damage the engine, but after taking it for a few more short rides, the problem is getting much worse.

    It now has a total power loss after 3k, the engine splutters and the vibrations are more pronounced. I do not believe it will get over 60 or 70 kph at the moment.

    I have checked the oil, as there seems to be some oil at the seams at the top (front above the extractors) of the engine, and (I cant be 100% sure) some on the ground where I have been parking it. The strange thing is, that there seems to be plenty of oil in the bike, even a little over max perhaps.

    The bike does not seem to be smoking at all, and starting it is no problem whatsoever.

    Anyway, I am trying to get a spot with the mechanic to look at it, but I am curious of course as to what may be the problem and if anyone has any suggestions or ideas?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. Ted

    Ted New Member

    Feb 4, 2007
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    Sebastian Fl.
    I don't know what a Bandet is but changing spark plugs is a cheep thing to try If it hasnt been done in some time. Maybe one of the pro's can help you ferther. Have a nice day OlTed.
  3. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    from the description, it sounds like an ignition failure....a coil breaking down, plugs or wires. not sure about the oil......are you sure the oil i engine? could it be transmission or clutch oil?
  4. joshv201

    joshv201 New Member

    Oct 11, 2009
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    I believe it is engine oil from where it is appearing from.

    Managed to get a time with a mechanic this afternoon. So I will post with the problem when I find out.

    I am semi hoping it is too serious to bother fixing so I can get a good reason to go out and buy a new bike! Kwackers GTR 1400 for me.

    Anyway thanks for the comments, I will let you know.

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