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5 or 6 turns out....too much?

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by NeilP, Mar 3, 2010.

  1. NeilP

    NeilP Active Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Jersey, Channel Islands
    My new slip ons (Krome Works HP+) arrived last week and got around to fitting them and the Big Sucker, plus Kens CV P kit, V-ductor and EZ-Just today.
    had fitted them in the past less the Slip Ons but it was jsut popping through the carb too much so went back to standard till the new pipes arrived.

    Have gone with Kens recommendations for the Jets of 44 and 175.

    Just wondering if having to wind the EZ-just out to 5 or 6 turns is too much? Total turns till it falls out is 12 turns.

    Ken, I seem to remember you asking for the number on the side of the carb in previous correspondence: 27465-04 is the number on the sticker.
  2. HarleysLR

    HarleysLR Active Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    Colorado Springs, CO
    I didn't know they would turn that many times with out falling out.
  3. NeilP

    NeilP Active Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Jersey, Channel Islands
    Yep they sure do...12 turns before they come out, have been running it at 6 turns out with everything standard for the past few weeks. Needed a wrap or two of PTFE tape , but it stays in fine. I have scribed a mark on the carb body and filled it with red paint, and painted radial marks around the EZ-Just so it is easy to count the turns, and check if it moves or not.
  4. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Yes 12 turns is about right before it falls out, but anything more than 4-5 and the threading is not tight enough or spring long enough to keep the screw from wandering.

    How far inward from the 6 turns can you turn the screw before the idle stumbles?

    The general rule is if you need to back the screw out more than 3-4 then the pilot jet is too small, less than 1 and the pilot is too big. Refreh my memory but do you have a 1200 XL? If so try the #45 pilot but don't mess with the main jet at this time.
  5. NeilP

    NeilP Active Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Jersey, Channel Islands
    It is the 883.
    I do have a 1200 kit, but not fitted that yet.

    When screwing it back in, 1 and 1/8th turns in, and it dies.

    The bike has a balance pipe as part of the bracket that holds the pipes on the bike, but I have now blanked it off with some flat stainless disks cut to size and fitted in the fitting on the slip on. It sounds better and it is certainly easier to hear the engine idle change when adjusting the EZ-Just.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2010
  6. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    If the idle dies at 1-1/8th back in I estimate that to be 4-7/8 out from seat. My first thought is there is a blockage somewhere in a passage requiring the the mixture screw to be backed out far enough to allow fuel to pass.

    This may be a little bit of work but this is what I would do to rule out any sludge blocking a passage:
    1) Disassemble the carb down to the body.
    2) Remove the jets, emulsion tube, float and float needle (plunger).
    3) In a coffee can or similar container fill with enough hot water to submerge the carb body. Add 3-4 drops of dish soap and 4 Tblsp (60ml or 2oz) of white vinegar. Lightly mix, you don't want suds.
    4) Place the carb body (not the slide or bowl) in the cleaner and tumble a few times to make sure air is not trapped in the passages. Let sit for 24 hours, agitating every so often.
    5) After it has soaked rinse the carb under tap water, then refill the can with hot (almost boiling) water and return the carb to the container for an hour.
    6) Remove the carb and blow out every hole and passage with compressed air.

    Note: this method can sometimes discolor the outer body of the carburetor but is completely safe.

    This should remove any sludge from the passages.
  7. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Or, simply remove the bowl, (turn off fuel first and drain)
    and force air with a small can of Computer Cleaning compressed air that you can get to blow the dust out of a PC through the main and pilot jets, remove the jets and clean out the passages...

    YOu can do that on the carb and see how it works

    Did you change over to a non vac petcock?
    make sure the vac line is properly blocked off and sealed on the carb...
  8. NeilP

    NeilP Active Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Jersey, Channel Islands
    Ok, here is what I have done, I put a 45 jet in this morning, and at 3 and 18th turns out it all seems fine.

    With regard to the 1 and 1/8th turns when it dies...seems like I did not phrase it that well. When screwing the EZ-Just in....the engine dies at a point where 1 an 1/8 more of a turn makes it seat. the point at which it dies is the 1 and 1/8th OUT from the fully in seated position.

    No, no change to the fuel tap... all original vac controlled

    While it is running well, I'll leave it and run it for a week or so and see how it looks.

    So just to re-cap I now have a 45 jet 3 and 1/8th out....I think..would have to wind it in again tomorrow and check. Will be doing the front forks on Saturday, so will have a look then
  9. NeilP

    NeilP Active Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Jersey, Channel Islands
    Took the carb off again today and gave it a complete strip down, removed all rubber parts, and cleaned in the ultrasonic tank with water/caustic soda, followed by blowing through the passages with aerosol solvent/contact/brake cleaner type fluid, then wash in petrol and blow through with the airline.

    Put it back on the bike with the 44 jet, but still get popping back through the carb/air filter on the over run, and still needs 5-6 turns before the tickover becomes stable.

    Put the 45 back in, and 3-4 turns out seems to stop the popping back through the filter. Engine dies, when screwing it back in, and it is about 1 turn out.

    Looks like it needs the 45

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