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68 flh

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by bdub454, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. bdub454

    bdub454 New Member

    Mar 18, 2008
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    i have a 68 flh i need to get rid of the points system is there anybody that can point me in the right direction? i also was wondering if a cv carb would be the way to go.
  2. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    bdub , welcome the the site , It's been to long since i made that change, chuck tx just might know who to call on & Ken does the carb work around here
  3. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Yes there are several companies I believe Crane and Dyna make replacement electronics to get rid of the points but keep it stock looking, much better to have electronic ignition.

    Yes you can run a cv40 (stock later model hd carb) on your bike in place of the bendix, you'll need a carb adapter, I'm not sure who makes it but I know people that do this.

    See what I can find out.
  4. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    yes there are replacements to change out the points for electronic....a google search will reveal a lot of them. as for the carb, is there a problem with the one you have??? the cv is an exellent carb. i am looking for one to replace the llinkert on my pan.....have fun and post a pic or two!!!!!!!!! any other questions just ask away!!!!!:)
  5. viking

    viking New Member

    Feb 19, 2008
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    I always ran an s&s super e carb on my shovels.Once you put it on you will never take it off.
  6. bdub454

    bdub454 New Member

    Mar 18, 2008
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    so i looked on the dynatek site and found a twin fire II dc6-5 it hides under the original cover is this the one you guys were talkin bout? and then on harley performance i found the hoe to cv carb however i am still in need of the adapter kit and perhaps a bit of advice beyond what the sites tell you ya know? thanks for the quick replys last time this place rocks!!!
  7. 2fastnaz

    2fastnaz Moderator

    Sep 30, 2005
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    The Shores of Tonto Creek
    The only problem I ever had with my shovels were the points. Best upgrade in the world is to go electronic. Tho I do still prefer points on my hot rods.
  8. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Most of this was taken from some posts on another board but it's good stuff.

    You can get a press on adapter off ebay, heard you may need to use some jp weld when pressing the flange on so as to stop any air being sucked in around the flange.

    If you have a bendix on there now with an internal throttle cable, you may have to switch over to an external cable assy I think.

    You can go to harley-performance.com alot of good info on installing and tuning.

    As far as ignition you can go full electronic with a voes which will do away with you stock mechanical advance but you will have to go to a 3 ohm coil or you can use a system like the dyna-s which retains the stock mechanical advance and you can use the stock 5 ohm coil.

    The installation of the cv carb will be one of the best upgrades you can do.
    Drill the plug out that covers the idle mixture screw to access adjust the idle mixture and changed out the jets.

    You have several ignition options for your 68. If you want to keep your stock distributor (timer, circuit breaker) you can install an Ebeyond 2000. This can be installed and switched back to points for emergency repairs or to get back to stock. Google it and you will get to their website.

    If you are wanting to upgrade your distributor due to it being worn out, a lot of folks go with the Mallory. They have two types now, one with mechanical weights (cheapest) and one fully electronic.

    Another full electronic ignition is the Spyke unit. They sell a distributor and module that will bolt up. It will support voes also. Several over on the Pan board run them and really recommends them.

    Other options are the MotorFactory unit.
    Vulcan makes a unit

    S&S makes a distributor that you can replace your drive gear so it will spin in reverse like a cone motor so you can run any late ignition, but this requires you to pull the cam cover.

    Most electronics require you to change the coil.

    CV 40's are all over ebay get one that hasn't been messed with for performance.

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