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76 FLH Electraglide Pulls to the left when I hold the handle bars loosely .

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by BigNick, Sep 8, 2018.

  1. BigNick

    BigNick New Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    I just had the local Harley shop replace front and rear tires, repacked wheel bearings,and balanced. This helped some what on my wheel wobble but now it pulls to the left unless I hold handle bars tight. Harley mechanic said its because my primary chain and rear chain are on the left side. This doesn't sound right to me. Can any of yall give me some idea on what I can check to correct this. It wasn't pulling until I had the wheels changed which makes me think it might be in that area. They said if I try to adjust one side or the other of my rear wheel adjusters there's a chance it will make my chain and sprocket wear out along with the new rear wheel. Any Ideas? Thanks, B Nick
  2. Fatboy128

    Fatboy128 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Long Island, NY
    That's utter BULLSHIRT! He's either an AZZHOLE or taking you for one. Find another mechanic. There's a chance Mr Ahole mechanic put your rear wheel on cockeyed or front wheel. What a dick he is. If allowed by this forum I'd Post the shop so others may avoid that guy. But ask either Hot ROad King or Kenfuzed first.
    BigNick and Red Rider like this.
  3. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    That is craptastic! Besides that, your problem needs real diagnosis, as operating it like that is dangerous. If the shop won't readdress it,free, you have to take it elsewhere - and make sure the bozo's know the world will soon know what scum they are. What vicinity are you in?
    BigNick likes this.
  4. bambidee

    bambidee Active Member

    Jun 12, 2011
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    upstate n/y
    If you can look them in the eye and tell them this a new issue they are idiots. Everyone can make a mistake, they should at least offer to look at it.
    BigNick likes this.
  5. Fatboy128

    Fatboy128 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Long Island, NY
    I wouldn't want that liar mechanic to touch my bike. It's one thing to make a mistake its another to say that Harleys pull due to the primary and drive being on the side of the bike.
    BigNick likes this.
  6. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Just want to clarify, did you just change tires, or tires AND wheels

    I know some folks interchange the terms, reason is if they did change
    wheels then maybe something in the new wheels is off,

    They all don't do that, if they can't or won't fix it find another shop

    If just the tires then perhaps it's aligned wrong, if wheels then maybe the wheels
    are not correct for the bike, or it's still aligned wrong or issue with the tires, it could be improper install of the spacers, or maybe a cable is too tight routed wrong, brake caliper dragging.
    BigNick likes this.
  7. BigNick

    BigNick New Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    Its new tires , tubes, new rim strips, and bearings repacked. I bought all parts and materials J&P and Harley did the labor. The way they charged they are very proud of their work! My swing arm had a rubber plug instead of grease fitting someone had put in .They said it isnt made to grease that way , I asked them to pull the plug and make sure grease fitting wouldn't fit. He was sure it wasnt made for that. I had to take my parts manual to him to prove that it is made for a grease fitting, which I had taken to them in the beginning. I dont know maybe there busy or what ever. Maybe they missed it, they missed the state inspection anyhow. Enough beatin them up. Now to fixin the prob. Seems now that I read yall my front brake seemed to drag at times. This may be the prob. What would you do, loosen the cable? Its not tight. Caliper, pads and front MC are all brand new. Im threw with the shop so Ill go threw any things yall have seen before. Just pass the word. Thanks to all of yall BigNick
  8. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Its possible the front brake might be dragging

    Check if the rotor centered in the caliper, if you put it on a lift
    can you rotate the wheel any at all without drag

    Put it on a lift, then pull the caliper off, see if the wheel assembly spins freely.
    dont grab the front brake lever unless you want a lot more work...

    If you have the manual make sure the wheel assembly is installed correctly
    check the caliper, are the pads installed correctly reinstall the caliper
    Red Rider and BigNick like this.
  9. BigNick

    BigNick New Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    Ill check in the morning on the drag problem. Yall have been helpin me with my rear brake problems and my only personal comparison of rear brakes has been with drum shoe brakes. This is my first bike with disk brakes. ALL my other bikes ,dressers,I could lock up the rear wheel if I stomped the petal hard enough. Im not 100% sure this rear disk brake would lock it up. Do you think disk is better than drum brakes on the rear.Does that sound rite? BN
  10. BigNick

    BigNick New Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    Durham NC
  11. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    Too far to lend a hand. Maybe someone else can?

    Disc is better than drum. Easy to check for problems, too, IMHO. Shouldn't have a problem locking 'em up, though largely to be avoided while riding (of course). Follow HRK's guidance and let us know the result, please.
    BigNick likes this.
  12. charlie46

    charlie46 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Melbourne Fl
    when re-packing the bearings.maybe something was re-installed improperly. I'd look into those bearings real closely.
    BigNick likes this.
  13. BigNick

    BigNick New Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    OK, I checked my front disk and it wasn't in the center split of the caliper. I added a shim and removed another and got it centered and now no front brake drag. Fantastic! Also I tighten my neck bolt about 3 star spaces (1/4") tighter. Didnt affect the looseness of the front end swing with the front tire off ground. One of the two things or maybe both have stopped the front brake drag and seem to have stopped the HARD pull to the left , there is still a little pull. Didn't feel any wobble when I loosened my hand grip on left side of handle bars. It was to the point when something hit my face I had to pull over for fear of driving with one hand but now I can let go. I have read that there is a re-center point on the front end but I find none on my bike. It still flip flops loosely with wheel off ground. Do you think "without feeling it yourself" that tightening the neck nut a little more would be over doing it? Thanks again for yalls help. Big Nick
  14. Fatboy128

    Fatboy128 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Long Island, NY
    put bike on the ground set front wheel straight ahead. Lock front brake. with feet on ground rock bike front to rear back and forth do you feel a click in front steering? If so, tighten neck bearing. BUT!!! Do the fall away adjustment. The only way to be sure.
    BigNick likes this.
  15. bambidee

    bambidee Active Member

    Jun 12, 2011
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    upstate n/y
    Back to square 1 Question??? Why did you need to realign caliper? Bearing spacers not correct?A shake or wobble might have been a tire issue at the start> BUT You should be able to take your hands from the bars and steer the bike with body english if the alignment of the rear axle is true and front wheel is centered. Sometimes the description of the issue needs to be exact. What was done with swing arm??
    BigNick likes this.
  16. BigNick

    BigNick New Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    I just put new front and rear tires tubes and protector bands on the spoke wheels.
    They also repacked front and rear wheel bearings. So I'm eliminating things one at a time. The front rotor wasn't lined up in the rotor.Somehow the washers used to connect it to front end weren't the proper thickness, that's why I corrected that.It had a front brake drag type feeling when I let off brake. Swing arm greased and checked for bearing looseness, all OK. Only thing I haven't done is to make sure the front and rear wheels are perfectly lined up. And the fall away test, I did tighten neck nut 3 clicks.While the front tire was off ground I lifted front wheel , shook it , everything I could but no clicking sound at all. Just super loose feeling.. as far as handle bar flip flopping from side to side. In all my years Ive never had the wobble front end problem, I had a 71 flh that pulled to the left bad. Maybe Im checking things wrong. Ill keep working till I get it right. Thanks for yalls help. BNick
  17. BigNick

    BigNick New Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    Hotroadking suggested it back on Sept 10-18. He was right about it.

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