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77 FLH Shocks ----------

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by bluejay864, Dec 1, 2005.

  1. bluejay864

    bluejay864 New Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    My 77 FLH is in need of new rear shock absorbers. In different listings there are many to choose from, 11in - 12in, covered - exposed, adjustable, and so on. I would Like to replace both with a good replacement that is covered, and also to bring it as low as possable and still be able to clear the fender. I run a stock rear tire and never pack any riders. I do carry odds and ends in the bags but nothing super heavy, also no tour pack. Information or comments about what would work best would be appreciated. bluejay864
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    Biggest issue is where the chain is going to contact the inner primary at the starter boss and eat a hole in it. Take a look under the at where the chain is close to the primary just aft of the sprocket see how close it is to the starter boss?. The stock length is 12" and you *may* get away with 11" but, you should also make sure you use a product like the primary case saver CCI part number 250731. It is basically a rub block that snaps in place and keeps the chain off of that nice soft aluminum.

    Make sure the wiring, strut bolts etc are all cleared away from the inner fender to prevent a flat or torn up wiring. Also, check the seat bolt as it can dig right in if it is too long.

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