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80 shovelhead

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by cust1340, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. cust1340

    cust1340 New Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    Hello,,just joined the site,Iam picking up a 80 shovelhead hasn't been on the road for about a year to 2 years,the clutches seem to be slipping a little,?I was told this could happen because the bike has not been road in so long?
    I would like to ride it home,about 50 miles it started up first try with a jump and is very clean,any suggestions? should I take the chance and if it starts to slip tow it,I really want to see if its ok.. motor is strong....

  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    you dont state your mechanical abilitys, but, remove the derby cover and see if the nuts that compress the clutch springs are nearly the same all the way around the basket. there could be 3 or 5 nuts. if they are nearly the same, turn each one in one complete turn, making sure the nut "snaps" into the little tit on the plate......heheeheh i said tit.......put the cover on and ride home....with a chase vehicle. worst senereo is a new clutch, which is an easy job....actually it's a piece of cake!!!!!!!
    you need a manual!! it will be the best tool in your box. it will give you invaluable info on your new bike.....shovels are hard to beat, great machines and with a little care will last a lifetime!!!!have fun and post a pic or two.....
  3. cust1340

    cust1340 New Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    thanks chuck,ill do that and Ill update you guys tomoro,and get some Pic too...


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