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81 cb900c Exhaust

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by N5926g, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. N5926g

    N5926g New Member

    Oct 21, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Hernando Ms
    Hi Guys, Recently purchased the above.It has a 4 into 1 header,and one muffler.
    I am looking to get this jewel back to OEM,and need a decent OEM exhaust system.:banghead:
    Have tried Ebay.....Is there anyone out there that has retrofitted their 81 with the header system that wants to sell the OEM setup?:witsend:
    Want get the ole girl back to her former glory.......at a reasonable price....:D
  2. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2008
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    Cape Breton NS,Canada
    Good Luck on finding an OEM exhaust system....only way you're going to have a chance at finding one is on Ebay or calling or searching motorcycle salvage yards...The reason there's a 4into 1 exhaust on it now is because when the stock mufflers were shot,they cost a small fortune to replace,and that's when they were available...
    There's a couple on Ebay now but in rough shape....Closest you'll probably get is a 4 into 2... like these... Mac Performance 4 Into 2 Complete Exhaust System | eBay

    Good Luck:D
  3. N5926g

    N5926g New Member

    Oct 21, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Hernando Ms
    Thanks for the reply...BTW LOVE the pic!...:)
    One of the main reasons I need the OEM setup is that I just put the center stand on it(originally removed) and the center stand stops are on the mufflers.Bought the center stand off ebay,and while it does fit,there is no place(that I can see) to attach the spring,and of course the upper stops on the mufflers.hmmmm this is gonna take some thought...Cheers!
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2012

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