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883 Big Bore Conversion

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by bigbreather, Sep 29, 2007.

  1. bigbreather

    bigbreather New Member

    Jan 29, 2007
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    I guess this is not a "new thread", since I have been pushing this issue for a few weeks, but it is a new question. I went ahead and bought the V-Twin conversion kit (along with the top end gasket set), so I am ready to go. This is not a plug for V-Twin, but having a machinist background I have to say I am very impressed with the quality of the product. Everything mics out to specs, and all the work is very clean.

    I choose the black wrinkle cylinders with edge milling-- just wanted to make the mill look different from the HD product. So I am thinking about the heads. The stock heads are silver finished (and I think powder coated), and I am not too sure if I want that on top of the black jugs. That was the standard HD product on Pans and Knucks-- black jugs and silver heads, back in the day. But I am thinking of shooting the heads black and removing the heat paint from the edges of the fins. I wouldn't think about this if I was building an alloy head Pan or iron head Knuck or Flathead, but I am concerned about shooting the powder coated heads black. I live in New Mexico, and during the summer things can get pretty hot-- 90 plus degrees for about 3 months.

    Am I asking for trouble by painting the PC heads black, or just being an old lady and worrying too much?
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    hi old lady!!!!:roflmao: :D
    i dont think you will run into any cooling issues by coating them black. have seen a lot of bikes here in south east texas with black heads. as long as ya dont sit and idle a lot or run parades, things should be just fine....:)
  3. wl_napier

    wl_napier New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Due to a little known phenomenon called emmissivity a flat black surface will exchange heat better than a shiny surface. That coupled with the fact that your heads are usually not in direct sun light makes it a plus to paint them black.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2008

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