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'89 Sporty Surging/Dropping RPMs

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by mzavala2424, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. mzavala2424

    mzavala2424 New Member

    Apr 10, 2013
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    My sporty has always had a little bit of a problem with surging it used to happen usually in 2nd gear at around 30 mph. I even had the local indy shop try to fix it when I put on new pipes and an air cleaner. They re-jetted the carb and it seemed to happen a bit less so I just rode it. It started to annoy me more and more so I ordered a tuners kit from CV performance tat came with all new gaskets, jets, a new needle and slide spring. I also got a kit to rebuild my accelerator pump and a new slide for the carb. I used the jetting guide from CV Performance and ended up changing from I think a 48 pilot and 190 main to a 45 pilot and 180 main. Once I got it ll dialed in I thought i had eliminated the surging but yesterday it started to do the surging again this time on the freeway at about 75 mph. the bike is a '89 XL 1200, with a aircleaner from Wompy and 2-1 headpipes off a 883R and a supertrapp muffler. Does this problem sound like its carb related or could it be something else maybe ignition related. When it surges the RPMs drop and shoot back up repeatedly and makes the bike feel like its bucking or surging.

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