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95 Flhtc Starter issues

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by bikerfun1, Oct 21, 2008.

  1. bikerfun1

    bikerfun1 New Member

    Jun 15, 2007
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    Hi all,
    I'm not one to give up easy but this starter issue has kicked my but!!!
    So I'm asking for help...
    I have and sometimes get to ride, when I'm not working on it 1995 FLHTC.
    I rebuilt the engine and pumped up the compression to 10 1/2 :1
    moderate cam and such. Anyway I installed an Optima Thunder 1.4KW starter
    and I have used a V-Twin 102 tooth ring gear and have had to replace my original jack shaft the first after market jack shaft and have now probably broke the Spyke jack shaft. the coupler in the inner primary seems to be binding up in the bushing.

    anybody else out there have problems like this???:cussing:

    Any and all help would be appreciated.
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    i wonder how the timing is.....does it kick back?? and i asume you dont have compression releases.....this may help more than you think. i believe they have them for the plug holes. high comp engines and piss poor gas will take a toll on starters,if the timing is not correct..... with out seeing the shaft/bushing it is hard to tell ya about the binding....hope this helps a bit.....let us know!!!:)
  3. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Yes we cured this on a hard starting 113 that would bind the jackshaft assembly,

    All Balls Staters one piece Jackshaft is the key, it's thicker than a hd jackshaft and comes with it's own spring, bolt and seal so you'll have to replace the seal in the inner primary but it fixes the problem

    All Balls One Piece Jackshaft

    Be sure you order the correct one, they have one for stock ring gear and one for aftermarket and they are different sizes.
  4. CD

    CD Guest

    What cam is installed? Hi compression with a torque cam increases cranking compression making it harder to turn over. A bagger should be running a torque profile like the EV27 / 23 this profile and 10:1 cr makes for a high cranking compression.

    Before I shut down there were some plug / comp. releases like Chuck said. You could use those or drill the heads for some. Which ever you do, make sure you clean the carbon from them frquently. Sucking air through a comp release makes for a blow torch on the piston.
    What ignition box is installed? Is it set for electric start? The electric setting delays the ignition for a couple of revolutions to pevent kick back.

    When it does spin over does it drag? Give an omph then turn over? Have you applied power straight to the solenoid? What size cables are installed??

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