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'98 Road King ECM problems

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by dmg83153, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. dmg83153

    dmg83153 New Member

    Jun 21, 2006
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    My '98 Road King is on it's third ECM with only 12,600 miles. I read an earlier post that says it could be from water entering the plug connectors. The bike hasn't had water on it in months; it's garaged all the time. When I asked the dealership why this keeps happening, they can't explain. When I asked them for a recommendation, they said trade it in; the newer bikes are better and don't experience this. This is what they told me when I bought the bike in 98; the EFI bikes are better.
    Is it possible that the ECM is being spiked by excess voltage? Is there a permanent fix that doesn't rely on an ECM?

  2. CD

    CD Guest

    Have you checked your voltage regulator for spikes? The older Magnetto Marelli ECU had a dust boot that failed to keep the water out during wet riding and washing. However, most times if you pulled it out, turned it upside down and let it dry out for a day or two or gently heated it with a hair dryer...(notice I am saying gently here) it will come back to life. Been there, done that three times on the 2KRK.

    I have not heard of a lot of ECU failing for no known reason. Voltage spikes, water, shorts etc...

    Permanent fixes? Yep, you can install a nose cone ignition, hang a coil, convert the fuel tank to a petcock etc. Zippers used to have a conversion kit.
  3. dmg83153

    dmg83153 New Member

    Jun 21, 2006
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    Thanks for the quick reply. I am hoping the HD people are not using this ECM anymore. I will ask the dealer to check the voltage output. If they don't, I will.
    Something occurred to me. Is it possible low battery voltage could cause a spike in amperage draw at the ECM and fry it?
    Thanks again for the advice.

  4. Tomflhrci98

    Tomflhrci98 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    So. Cal.
    Hey DMG,

    I have a 98 RKCI with 55K. I have never had a problem and I have drenched it many times without even thinking about being very careful (and with the side covers off). I will start worring about it after reading your thread. I have one of the early Power Commanders on it. Maybe those connections on the PCII helps keep the water out (just a guess).

    Sounds to me like you must have another problem. When it doesn’t start, does it crank over good? If not, this would be a good indication that you have a bad battery or low voltage. You should check your other connectors to - and see if you are getting water in the nose cone that might be affecting the hall affect switch (ignition).

    I think we are all interested in knowing what you find since this sounds like a stranded-on-the-highway situation that we all fear.


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