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A new Way to band guns

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by cardboard, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    States are now looking at a new way to keep you from owning a gun, and the 2nd Amendment does not apply or protect your rights here. If you own a gun, and that gun is to be registered, States are looking at requiring you to carry a Liability Policy in the amount of 2 million to legally own that gun. The right to bare arms does not address the issue of liability insurance and THAT is what the states are using as a tool to once again come after the legal gun owners, read your policy if you own a home, or rent, it EXCLUDES coverage if you use your gun for self defense or use it to knowingly cause harm. Regardless of whether or not you feel threatened or have to act because the threat becomes reality, it is still considered an INTENTIONAL act. A policy that covers the use of firearms, as in protecting the holder of a CCW, is very expensive and the states know that most private party permit holders will be unable to pay the premiums, hence a way of controlling your gun ownership. Most if not all personal liability policies will cover the ACCIDENTAL discharge of a firearm or a hunting accident where the primary purpose and intent is to fire the weapon at game and someone gets in the way. But anyother use of the weapon, ie; personal carry, home deffense, or other activity that could result in the death or injury of an individual as an intended outcome is NOT covered by a standard liability policy. I think you can see where this going and it is not pretty, once companies become involved in this charade by the politicians they will react by limiting ALL gun use on a policy, and the definition of what is actually covered will be severely limited and may even result in an exclsuion for gun ownership being required. I for see a huge market for gun ownership policyholders and hopefully this will help drive down premiums to more affordable levels, we can only hope.

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