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A visit to Australia

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by PyramidPlastics, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. PyramidPlastics

    PyramidPlastics New Member

    Sep 30, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Hello all,

    This is a brief introduction about us, Pyramid Plastics and the reason that I am posting here today. Please note, this is NOT a promotional email and is more of a “meet and greet” that my employer (I am writing on his behalf) would like to arrange.

    I was referred to your online forum by a customer of ours who had recently purchased something from our online store. She said it might be a good idea if one of us was to visit Australia with some of the other stuff we do for bikes, as she was extremely pleased with what she had bought (not allowed to say what due to the rules).

    The owner of Pyramid, Mr Ben Bowser, is going to be taking a holiday to visit relatives in Australia in the month of October and is also taking some sample stock with him. He will be visiting the New South Wales area, although any bikers interested from around Sydney would also be welcome to come and have a look at what he has brought with him.

    Please note, although he is bringing some samples with him, he will be on holiday. He would be extremely grateful if bikers who would like to meet up could contact him first via his email, benjbowser@btinternet.com.


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