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? about oil filter for TC88

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Johnny O., Jun 24, 2005.

  1. Johnny O.

    Johnny O. New Member

    Jun 4, 2005
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    is their any reason I shouldn’t run a regular car filter? I know the MoCo one has a bypass valve and an anti drain back valve in it. If change the oil and filter every 2000 rather than the MoCo recommended 5000 do I really need the bypass? I have herd of people using a regular ol Fram for a Geo but since the filter is on its side is dry starting going to be an issue if I use a filter w/o an anti drain back valve? I read some studies and purealater pure-one rates high up there. They even make a pure-one for the TC88 w/all the valves part # ML16822 $11 at advanced auto. It is supposed to filter better and flow better than the MoCo one. I appreciate your advice and recommendations. Johnny O.
  2. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Hi Johnny O, The MoCo says that Twin-cams must have a filter that will filter down to 10 microns. If you can find a filter that filters at that level and it fits right, by all means it should work just fine. Good-Luck.
  3. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Fram makes a filter and you can get it at wally world (the big super wally world) less expensive than the dealer and they are chrome!
  4. dutch

    dutch New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Why after spending thousands of dollars for the bike and thousands more for pipes chrome and hot rod parts would you want to try and save a couple of dollars on a filter? Isn't that like asking for a cheap battery for your pace maker? Because we already know that there is a problem with the shoes on the cam tensioners that stuff is going somewhere??? Dutch
  5. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    I wish that I would have bought stock in Wally-World years ago. Now they have gone world-wide, even Germany. :D
  6. Johnny O.

    Johnny O. New Member

    Jun 4, 2005
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    Dutch, I knew someone was going to say something like that. Yeah saving money is always a concern but that isn’t the point of this thread. I can get the HD filters from Liberty HD out of Ohio (and get a Military discount) for around the same as the price as the one I mentioned earlier but if I can get one that filters better than the HD one for cheaper why not? Also I change my filter once between oil changes as well as at every oil change so why would I need one with a bypass if it’s never going to get stopped up? Knowing that air cooled V twins and particularly the TC88 with its cam tensioners are hard on oil is the whole reason I started researching this stuff. So if I use 2 filters per oil change for the price of one I am spending the same but have cleaner oil. I’m just not one of thoughs people that think that every thing Harley is the only thing you should use. But if you want Harley-Davidson oil, oil filter, & factory air in your tires then go for it dude.
  7. CD

    CD Guest


    I think the point is more along the lines of why scrimp on a filter? I do not run H-D filters for obvious reasons :D but, I also know that with the correct research you can locate an alternative filter that meets or exceeds H-D requirements.

    There are a ton of tests that have been done over and over again and it all goes in circles. The bottom line is buy a quality filter, change it frequently and ride. One thing you can do is use a magnetic filter trapping iron based particles. That just leaves the brass, aluminum and plastic from those pesky shoes. to worry about.

    Just a quick note on Dutch, he is a wrench by profession with more years of experience on H-D's than I can remember.
  8. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Magnetic filter

    Hey CD. I know the idea has probably been around for a while, but, when I read your post I pictured myself taping a magnet to the bottom of my filter, hee hee hee :rolleyes: I just dont remember see any filters being advertised as such. More info please. ;)
  9. Johnny O.

    Johnny O. New Member

    Jun 4, 2005
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    CD, Dutch,
    You guys are right and please forgive me. My dad used to say two things about me. 1) you would argue with a fence post. And 2) just cause I call ya son boy, don’t mean your bright! Thanks for your replies, they are helpful and wanted.
    Johnny O.
  10. CD

    CD Guest

    If you go to the store and search on part number 35-074 you will find it.
  11. TexasTripod

    TexasTripod New Member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    The Pure One is a great car filter, one of the best off the shelf car oil filters. However, Purolator does not make the Pure One for the HD: they farm it out. It is not the same quality or filtration as the Pure One car filter. I spoke to the engineers at Purolator about it, so............ . Anyway, the Purolator Pure One car filter has not been tested for HD since Purolator worries about the high filtration not allowing enough flow to the engine. In short, the HD oil pump is a low pressure unit and Purolator does not have much interest in the research, so they farm it out and their HD filter is just average in capability. Since HD engines have very few plain/plane bearings, oil presssure is not as important as flow/volume because the pressure is not needed to suspend the, for example, crankshaft off of the bearings like in a V8 engine. Again, flow is the key, and filtration for longevity.

    The HD 10 micron filter is nominal 10 micron. The PerForm filter is 18 micron absolute. For my money, the PerForm is the way to go since the HD 10 micron nominal filter will pass a 60 micron or larger particle while the PerForm 18 micron absolute will "never" pass a 19 micron particle.

    As far as antidrain back valves, I think they have their place especially on horizontally mounted filters. I do not run one, though, since I have a bit of a different oiling sytem. As far as bypass valves on street filters, yes, definitely. Most filters have bypass valves unless it is a secondary filter and then it is probably irrelevant as long as the primary filter has a bypass valve. The bypass valve allows the oil to bypass the filter element if the pressure exceeds the bypass valve set point such as when you have a clogged filter or if the oil is very cold.

    I run a 35 micron absolute stainless primary filter with a bypass valve and no antidrainback valve and a 1 micron secondary filter with no bypass valve and no need for an antidrain back valve since it is mounted vertically.

    It does not matter if you use a car filter or not so long as the flow is acceptable and the filtration is acceptable. With all the parts breaking in HD engines, e.g., cam lobes, cam tensioner shoes, cam bearings, I would not scrimp on a filter and I would not "over filter" at the expense of flow.

  12. Johnny O.

    Johnny O. New Member

    Jun 4, 2005
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    Thanks Tex.
  13. Bobcat

    Bobcat New Member

    Oct 2, 2004
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    Pima, AZ
    Heck, I’ve been usin’ one of those filter thingies that have a roll of Tolet Paper in ‘em. Works great and I’ve got somethin’ to use for the unexpected stop along the road. Ya Know? :eek:
  14. CD

    CD Guest

    Okay, now your dating us Steve... I remember helping my Dad change the "element" on the Ford Fairlane we had back in about '60. They literally used a roll of toilet paper. I cannot remember if it was OE or a Frantz unit that was very popular back then and caused almost as much controversy as an H-D oil thead does now.

  15. Bobcat

    Bobcat New Member

    Oct 2, 2004
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    Pima, AZ
    Hey, there was never a “controversy”. On a cage’s motor the machinist had to use a veeeeery long drill bit to clean out the camshaft oil galley. Other than that, there was a very CLEAN engine. And, yes, I’m dating myself but, what else are “Old Farts” suppose to do?????
    Remember, “Old Farts” are here to help keep you “Young Studs” from hurting yourselves. :rolleyes:

    Except you, of course. :D
  16. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    You got that right, you shoulda seen him hammering that Road King on the Coronado Trail. He wasn't showing this young cowboy any mercy....:)
  17. CD

    CD Guest

    :eek: No mercy? Is that what it was? I thought I was just riding my butt off trying to stay in front of you and SK. Normally, I am just a sedate old driver...NOT! That's why I had to sell my Mach1:mad: dang rightfoothammerdownitis kept getting to me. A car that can smoke the tires at will WITH the traction control on is soooo much fun. Turn it off and yeehaw!!!!

    I love the smell of smokin' tires in the mornin'
  18. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    What do you think of the new Mustang? I'm not a Ford guy but I remember my cousin having a green 67 fastback and I almost bought a 69. I really like the new one but with gas here crowding 4 bucks a gallon I wouldn't be driving it much.

    I'm using the Harley filter as long as I'm on warranty. I haven't had a lot of luck finding anything else anyway so I use the black filter...it works good enough for me
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2005

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