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Accessories Question

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by sittler, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. sittler

    sittler New Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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    Putting new grips on an 02 Fat Boy. Directions say to look to owners man. to determain how to access throttle cable when replacing the right side.
    Nothing in the man. Will it be pretty obvious when I take my switch housing apart? Much like the other side?
  2. Painter55

    Painter55 New Member

    Aug 9, 2004
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    The throttle side is more complicated than the clutch side. Be careful not to loose the small brass ferrels at the ends of the cables! These little things can pop off and you'll never find 'em again. You can re-install without the ferrels, but the round ball at the end of the cables won't sit tightly in the new grip channels without the brass piece in place.

    Also, be sure to adjust the idle again, and TEST the throttle before you take off on it after the new grips.

    Yo, down the road,

  3. CD

    CD Guest

    They are referring to the service manual. Best tool you can buy.

    Left side grip: Use the supplied glue if no glue is supplied I like Elephant snot otherwise known as 3M weather strip cement.

    Ride side (throttle) in addition to what Painter said: Make sure you do not push the throttle tube in to far as it can bind against the end of the bar. A little coating of grease (very thin) on the bar makes the throttle tube move freely on the bar. Set the tension on the return carefully to prevent binding.

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