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Accident report

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by sarge7, Apr 22, 2011.

  1. sarge7

    sarge7 New Member

    Jan 12, 2009
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    NE Indiana
    Just got a e-mail from NCOM about a europesn study that sounds like something that needs to be done in the US I know that NHTSA is supposed to do this but have not seen anything on it cause those boys are to busy harassing riders instead of trying to help them.:banghead:
    In any event here is the breakdown:
    Study was based on 921 accidents
    103 fatailties across France,Germany,Italy the Netherlands and Spain.
    70% of the cage drivers didn't see the bike
    73.1% of the riders attempted some form of avoidance.
    32% loss some control during the maneuver.
    50%+ happened at intersections.
    90% where wearing helmets.
    9% lost their helmets due to improper fit or fasters not working right.
    Riders between 18-25 crashed at a higher %
    Riders 41-55 crashed less frequently.
    Riders wearing dark colored clothes were more likely to crash than others.
    Modified street bikes were over-represented in crashes in the study.But engine size did not appear to be a factor.
    Unlicensed drivers were more likely to crash than licensed riders.
    7.5% had a weather factor involved.
    While the report is helpful I wonder what happened to the guys between 25 to 41 and over 55. Must be leading a charmed life over there.:)

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