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Air box tape, V-Rod wandering left and right

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by dude653, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. dude653

    dude653 New Member

    Jan 27, 2009
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    Hello, I was wondering if anybody has come across this problem? I have an 03 V-Rod that at speeds under 50 wanders to the right and left constantly. I have aligned the rear tire to the front, aired the tires to there proper pressure, checked tightness on the two piece frame. I also had another V-Rod owner ride mine and he said his does the same thing. I asked about tires and he said his has 30,000 miles on it and is on its second set of tires...still no change. I have been told that it is the solid wheel catching side bursts of air but it does it on a calm day as bad. Also want any info. on installing my 100 aniversary emblems on the airbox cover I just got for this ride. I took off the two sided tape and cleaned off the emblems but would like to know what tape the factory uses to install them . I dont thing the regular 3M two sided is stout enough. Thanks for any help.
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    first thing to do is get out the factory service manual and do a neck bearing swing test. the book will describe how it is done. it is different for different models. for the tape, go to an auto parts store that deals in auto paint/trim. they will have the same tape as the factory uses. let us know how it goes!!!!!!!:)
  3. dude653

    dude653 New Member

    Jan 27, 2009
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    Thanks for the tips.....I will try the 3M two sided . Have a good Superbowl weekend.

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