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An old joke I read

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by CD, Jun 29, 2005.

  1. CD

    CD Guest

    I came across this joke a few years ago. Being retarded (err retired) AF, I do believe he is right of course;) :D

    The Senate Committee asked the Secretary of Defense if he knew which service had the most intelligent NCOs. The Secretary replied that he did not and promised he would find out and report back to the Committee ASAP.

    Calling the Joint Chiefs of Staffs together he asked the question.

    The Army Chief of Staff jumped to his feet and proudly stated "We do sir!" Our NCOs can lead the troops into battle and when needed can assume command without hesitation."

    The Marine Corp Commandant sat ramrod straight and glared at the Army General and said in a gravel filled voice "Hell son my NCOs are tougher than rawhide and they lead from the front!" They don't live long enough to become an officer!"

    The Chief of Naval Operations just sat there smiling "Think about this gentleman your Army NCOs follow the officers into battle, the officers get killed and they become the leaders. Guess who gets killed next?" To the Marine Commandant he spoke softly saying "Your NCOs belong at the front and that's why they call 'em jar heads!" Now, our boys sit far out to sea, launch missiles at the bad guys and sleep in nice warm bunks. Pretty **** smart if you ask me!"

    The Air Force Chief of Staff looked at each of the Chiefs in turn. "Gentleman, let see if I have this straight. The Army's NCOs are the brightest because they get killed right after becoming an officer, the Marine NCOs never make it up the hill and, your sailors float around on great big targets begging to get a missile up their wazoo? And these are the smartest you've got?" Raising from his seat the General walked up to the Secretary. "Sir, think of me as your average Air Force B52 crew chief if you will. After pre-flight and assisting the crew through engine start, the captain tells me he is ready to go. I step back, snap to attention and salute the pilot. Giving him a thumbs up and saying go get them sir. Then, I close up my tool box, go to the NCO club and later that night I go to my single man barracks. I rest my case"

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