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Another paint question

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by FXSTBI-05, Nov 2, 2005.

  1. FXSTBI-05

    FXSTBI-05 New Member

    Nov 1, 2005
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    I would like to airbrush some graphics on my tank and fenders. I like the original color though. Can I just shoot over the clear or do I have to get the clear off and then shoot and reshoot the clear?
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    if the clear is in good shape...no flakes,chips,ect....then you can use the clear for a base to design on. wash with soap and water.....dry.....use a good grease and wax remover....i use omni 190 made by ppg. use a red scotchbrite pad to skuff the surface, you want to get all the shine off it. then clean it again with the grease and wax remover. the reason for washing and cleaning before sanding is to remove any dirt and grease,,,,,if not removed it will get imbedded into the surface and rear its ugly head when the job is nearly done. next do the art work, keeping your fingers off the job as much as you can. the oils from your skin is harmful to the job. some use rubber glove to work with, i wash my hands frequiently and use the omni 190 to wipe down my work after it is done. now you are ready to reclear and stand back and say......."look what i did!!!!!!!".......
  3. FXSTBI-05

    FXSTBI-05 New Member

    Nov 1, 2005
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    Thank you very much for the advice. A wise man once told me that experience is always better than re-doing it!!!!!!
  4. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    hehehe.......a VERY wise man!!!!!!
  5. beau44

    beau44 New Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    have a paint question also

    had new custom decals on with new paint, PPG clear was used but the left tank peeled about 4 inches down from the filler neck,paint is ok but need to redo the clear or do I have to redo the whole tank, I didnt do the work but am sure going to this time.Was told that the clear would not be affected by gas or oil, guess I got dupped. I also need to know the best way to keep the gas from the filler necks from doin it again.
  6. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Several compaines offer paint protectors, Kuryakyn, Landmark, etc.

    They have a special ring that keeps you from hitting the sides of the tank opening when refueling.

    Nothing's going to help with overfilling except having the overflow hose properly connected.

    Slow down when fueling up, don't hold it wide open and always fill from the left side, not the right side of the bike. The lean angle helps.

    That's really about it.
  7. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    you state the clear peeled on the left tank, so i am assuming that you have bob's. you will need to redo the clear on the left tank only. prep the tank in the same way as i stated for adding artwork to the existing clear in a previous thread. then shoot the clear. i dont know the type of caps you have. if the caps are old style.....sitting on top of a bung....cover the hole and about 1/8th inch down the bung with tape before clearing. after the clear is dried and the tape is pulled, carefully take some nail polish clear and brush it around the exposed part where the tape was. this will seal the area to help prevent gas fumes from seeping under the clear and lifting it. also, extreme care when filling goes a long way........ if the filler is recessed, do the same, except dont let the nail clear get down in the threads.........hope this helps. have fun and if you have more questions...........ask away

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