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Are you packin legally when riding?

Discussion in 'The Polling place' started by AZroaddust, Oct 15, 2006.

  1. AZroaddust

    AZroaddust New Member

    Sep 22, 2006
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    Phoenix, AZ
    Deleted poll

    OK, I'll try again.

    I was just curious how many pack a rod/heater/pistol/revolver/grenades/tactical nukes, etc. when riding. Especially out in the middle of nowhere (99% of NV and AZ for example)?

    I usually strap on an IMI Baby Eagle 9mm with 2 extra 10 rd mags. With (1) 10 round and (1) chambered in the piece, that gives me 31 shots if required. Before I catch flack, this pistol is designed to carry one round in the chamber safely.

    And NO, I really am NOT the BATF lurking forums looking for people.*



    *Well I may be - you don't know so be careful out there!)
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2006
  2. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    OH,,, I thought you said “are you parking legally” :D

    I don’t ‘usually’ carry anymore, as I ‘usually’ get run off the road while riding my cycle at least once a week, and I then find myself fantasizing about some road side justice…
  3. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    i dont think you gave it enough time.........
    i used to carry illeagly, now i do it leagly
  4. Harleywyld1

    Harleywyld1 New Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    Waxhaw NC

    Illegally. Mostly because in the state of NC if you have a permit to carry and you make a mistake like carrying into a place that you shouldn't they hit you with a felonly. If you make the same mistake without the permit it is a misdemenor.
    It is a different world than what we grew up in as kids (see school violence) and I prefer to have the option of protecting myself and my family than depending on grossly underpaid officers of the law.
    My opinion is I have the right NOTto be a victim. I have the right to go to the store or school or church or ATM and not be shot by some lazy crackhead SOB for some of my hard earned cash. Now some people would say it's just money and not with killing for. Well their right and just as soon as the thieves realize that, then we want be forced into proving that fact. After all they have the right to go to work everyday and weekends like I do.
  5. AZroaddust

    AZroaddust New Member

    Sep 22, 2006
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    Phoenix, AZ
    I though maybe I was offending someone, so I decided to drop it rather than antagonize. I am the "new kid on the block" so I'm not ready to get everyone PO'd at me all at once.

    I'll redo it.

  6. GreyBear

    GreyBear New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Nomad, currently the Blue Ridge Mountains
    legally vs illegally

    An interesting question. And since they consider a permit a priviledge to be given or denied as they see fit.....does exercising ones RIGHT to be armed make it illegal? There is an implied consent to turn a Right into a state controlled "priviledge" with applying for a permit.

    Much depends on where you are going and how deep your pockets are vs how important being safe is....and that is a sad decision for a "free" people to have to make.

    Ride Free.........
  7. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    having a permit means you should know the rules about where you can carry and not having one the law assumes you haven't studied and passed a test in that you don't have a permit and are cut some slack.

    Although I dont think it changes anything when it comes to doing something illegal like robbery, murder, rape etc.
  8. ironhorse

    ironhorse Active Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere
    In my travels I prefer to mantain a fall back saftey measure, working in areas such as compton colton merced st. louis, minn/st. paul chicago, you catch my drift a 7 inch shank, or a 357cal is a nice piece of mind. now if it,s legal/ illegal I really don,t give a rats patoot. and if the gov't doest like it they can pry it out of my cold dead hands....!

    P.S. never had to use it and hope that I never will but I got just the same
  9. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Carry legally while in my home state, Illegally when crossing the state line. :eek: Never while crossing the boarder into Canada. :D
  10. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    We're OK with the criminals having 'em..because they're misunderstoodWe just gotta problem with the law abiding element even considering carrying a handgun. I love this place but sometimes I just gotta give my head a shake
  11. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    FLHT, you really should re-check the laws of your near by states, the feds/states restructured the carry laws and a lot of states recognize other states permit, and your right to exist and not be the next victim that someone else sees on the evening news.
    I know this because, four months ago I went through the classes and paid my hard earned nonrefundable money to carry ‘legally’, and then to be denied my right to protect my family and myself because of something that happened on 6-04-79,,, (over 27 years ago) I was mad for a while, now I’m over it. It probably wouldn’t have bothered me so much if I could have gotten my money back. So be it, if I carry illegally, I’ll carry illegally…
  12. GreyBear

    GreyBear New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Nomad, currently the Blue Ridge Mountains
    Laws do they protect anyone?

    You have that right sleepy. I had a prof in college that used to say the problem is that laws can never really do anything about a problem. They keep making more and more laws and they are more and more convoluted and twisted.....and usually they only work against the people they are supposed to help/protect. Criminals break laws....that's part of thier job description, it is what they DO. Do the powers that be and the ordinary person really think the criminal cares if they are breaking 5 or 15 today? Instead of passing more and more laws...take Willy Nelson's advise.....and then "whisky for my men, beer for our horses"......I love this country as well but sheeesh, what the hell are people thinking......so some crip has a uzi but they come after the grandmother with a pistol under her front seat. I can't blame them, though, whats the ratio of cops getting shot by grandmothers vs gangbangers....
  13. mwelych

    mwelych Active Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Charlotte, NC
    My wife and I are planning a gun purchase. In NC, as long as it is out in plain site, there is no problem owning a gun. However, if you conceal the weapon, you in trouble if your caught with it. We are actually looking to get a concealed weapons permit as well. I am not sure if i can carry it in New York State or other states for that matter. This is a good thread. Thanks:)
  14. mwelych

    mwelych Active Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Charlotte, NC
    Did some Googling on the question I just asked and found my answer. I guess NY has issues with NC. Oh well I'll still pack when i get the gun...:)
  15. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Here is a kind of funny story of that happened to this guy I know.

    His name is John and John thought that he could be legal wearing his 44 cal. mag revolver everywhere he went strapped to his side. Myself and others told this guy better be careful where you go and really do you think you can actually wear that gun like your still in the old west.
    Sure enough one day John had to go to the bank. While in the bank he was tackled to the ground by FBI agents, handcuffed and drug off to jail. Someone called the police saying that a guy entered the bank with a gun and the bank was being robbed. Well, John took his gun off after that.
    This is actually a true story that happened about 15 years ago here in the Portland area. I think he was watching to many Westerns on TV myself. Don't know what happened to him after that as we all lost contact with him and heard he moved out of state. :rolleyes:
  16. GreyBear

    GreyBear New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Nomad, currently the Blue Ridge Mountains
    Gun laws

    Ah better check that again mwelych......back about 1974 it was indeed legal in NC but that was changed a long time ago. And with or without a permit there are a lot of things anyone packing need to know and deal with. One is that certain areas in almost ALL states are gunfree zones, schools etc. Another is getting stopped. ALWAYS let the officer know you are carrying. Be courteous, be polite, be nice. Tell him that you are armed and that your weapon is ....., then stand still and allow him to take possession. If you have a permit have it with you along with a copy of the bill of sale for the weapon. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES reach for your weapon or paperwork until the officer has taken possession of the weapon and told you to do so.
    As with any dealing with police, remain courteous and interact with them as a professional. And believe it or not...courtesy really does go a long way. They take a huge ration of crap and most appreciate being treated with some civilty.
    I realize much of what I just wrote comes under the common sense catagory....but common sense is not really that common :) Most of that and much more should be covered in a permit class, but ya never know.

    Oh and if you don't have a permit...have the name of a good bondsman and lawyer memorized...chances are you'll need them.

    Ride Free.........
  17. mwelych

    mwelych Active Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Charlotte, NC
    Thanks Graybear, and you're right, these are common sense facts. I have seen some fools that carry guns that shouldn't be. Just as I've seen some folks that should never be behind the wheel of an automobile. I wish these folks could take a course in common sense. In fact, survival of the fittest used to take care of that issue. Not anymore.:)
  18. ridehard95

    ridehard95 New Member

    Sep 22, 2006
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    Titusville FL
    Rather not

    I don't carry a gun cause I got a anger problem. It would not take much for me to shoot some one in the leg or foot for being morron and god knows there are alot of them out there.Just a good old fashion punch in the mouth works for me . I do carry a blade
  19. CD

    CD Guest

    Then there are the Barney Fifes

    My partners and I used to ride every Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights after we closed the shop. One night, we got pulled over at about 3:00 AM by a rookie and his trainer. The rookie struts up and starts out reading us the riot act about this that and the other....His trainer finally strolls up and asks if he checked for weapons? Well, since it was kinda obvious we were all carrying, he about fell over and asked us to place the weapons on the hood of his car. Four guns and three knives later, Barney was all over it telling us that we were packing illegally and he was going to arrest all of us. The trainer was just about to bust a gut over this clown but...he waited until Barney thought he was going to get his first arrest and then he looks at Flathead and asks him if he got his top end rebuild done yet? The rookie just looked at the trainer and then at Flathead, shook his head and went back to the car and sat down. He looked so dismayed that his big first bust was not gonna happen.
  20. scooter

    scooter New Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Sounds about right CD.

    I also agree with ridehard in the respect that sometimes a plain ol' punch in the mouth (nose actually feels better on the knucks, tho) gets someone's attention without any fatal consequences. Blades are nice as well, provided that you know how to use them as well as your ratchet, dremel, drill, cordless, or any other tool you would trust your life to.


    ..........Your mind. Keep IT sharp and well honed, above all others.

    That's all for me....


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