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  1. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Churchill County, NV
    So I was riding back from Whidbey Island, Washington, on Saturday morning. It was friggin' cold, in the damp mid 40's, especially since I'd been riding in the 100's much of the summer. About an hour into the ride I'm in the middle lane of a 3 lane section of I-5 and I spot a guy standing by his bike in the median, about a 1/5 mile ahead. Being that the guy was staring at traffic like he might need a hand, I hit the throttle and move to the fast lane so I can pull over to see if everything's OK.

    To make a long story shorter, he's a cop, a state police guy. He said he clocked me at 75 in a 60 and has to write me a ticket. My face was so cold, and I was so stunned (ok, and I was probably a little hung over), that I didn't argue or anything. I mean, I was only going fast to clear the traffic to get over to him...and I was pretty sure he could have seen that.

    The if you were on the side of the road in WA/OR/CA or NV Saturday and a red FLHR didn't stop to help you, don't hate me too much. Just lost the mood to be nice for the next 850 miles.:mad:
  2. bikerjim1

    bikerjim1 Moderator

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Liberty Hill Texas
    I feel ya man! That's crap:mad: ...I'm sure he knew what you were doing, but tends to be that he was probably assigned there, and hating it, so he probably thought he'd pass along some of the misery.
    Hope his ol' lady was cheating on him the whole time he was writing you up!!:D
    Hang with it, bro!!:cool:
  3. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Bummer, I think I would have at least tried to talk my way out of it, as you were only trying to help him.
  4. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Dam Red Rider that sucks. The cope should have seen what your were doing. I can just see you trying to explain it to a judge. :eek:

    Sunday, myself and another rider stopped to help a stranded HD Ultra rider on I-84 between Biggs junction and The Dalles, nothing there just sagebrush and rocks, except for the Columbia River along the right side. The guy was on the right side of the lanes and traffic was really going by fast. His Alternator or regulator went bad and he ran out of battery. We swapped a battery out of our bikes and got him into the next town, The Dalles. We decided to stay with him and his wife brought up a new battery from the HD shop in Portland. We got him going but had to pull the fuse for the headlight as he was just drawing to many amps. We swapped out batteries two more times but go him home. Kind of shot our ride in the foot but at least we got the guy home. :)
  5. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    Geez..I'd take that to court. I've fought a couple of tix, from not wearing a helmet (judge said not to come in here again with a no helmet infraction or he'd reinstate the ticket..I was in a residential area and just cooling my head with my helmet in my lap) to not going as fast as the cop said (it wasn't on radar..only what the cop thought I was doing) and won or got the infraction lowered each time. Worth a shot.
  6. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    I'd be glad to take it to court, but it's 900 miles from home. I've fought and won against many tickets (once for driving too carefully! - but that was in a car so I'll leave it off this forum). I have to see whether I can enter my case via mail - don't have a great desire to go back up there again soon.

    One of the reasons I didn't argue with the cop is the first thing he said to me was "I have to treat you just like anyone else." Kinda of stunned me, like he did know what I was trying to do. But when I thought about it more on the ride away, maybe he was just saying that because I was on a bike, too, and he thought I'd give him a line about cutting a fellow rider some slack.

    Thanks, ya'll, for feeling my pain. And better luck to all of you!
  7. scooter

    scooter New Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Well, he really DIDN'T have to treat you like everyone else.

    Chances are, like some said earlier, that he was miserable and just passing along the pain. Could've at least written you a warning for that infraction, though. Seeing as to how you were out of state and all, it makes it just a little bit easier to wiggle out of if you try...:rolleyes:

  8. GreyBear

    GreyBear New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Nomad, currently the Blue Ridge Mountains
    Cops and other bummers

    Yeah they know they got you by the short hairs that far from home, cheaper to pay the ****ed thing and be done with it...unless they turn it in to your DMV and it hits your record. The with the added points and insurance jack up it might be cheaper to fight. Still, no freaking excuse for that sirt of BS, so he was miserable... he was getting paid for doing the job he asked for. And if he was on a bike he knew how miserable a ride it was for you. but ya know the Harley gods have a way of making thing even in the long run. And I would not want to be a motor cop on a deserted hiwat when they do.......

    Ride Free......
  9. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    Update 1

    I submitted my letter pleading my case and put up the $71 bail. Am awaiting word back whether they'll let me testify by telephone (some states allow that) or whether they'll allow the letter as testimony (some states allow that too). Not too hopeful though, as the WA system shows no indication of allowing anything other than physical presence. Called them up and couldn't even get a real person on the line....sheesh. For $71, just not worth the trip back up there.

    I'll pass what I learn here. The first thing I learned, though, is WA State Police ride crotch rockets and wear big freakin' full face white helmets!
  10. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    Wow, I've never seen a cop on a sportbike or wear a full-face helmet. Haven't been to Washington in several years, but may come next Summer when I plan to circle the US by motorcycle. Thanks for the warning.

    Good luck with the letter..hope they see some reason within it.
  11. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    They do in Oregon to. BMW's and they wear those white full face flip front helmets. Good luck with the WA. law they can be real *****s at times.
  12. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    Update - GUILTY!

    :p So the State of Washington won't take telephonic hearings and they decided I was guilty from my letter appeal. Full fine - $71.00 - no mitigation. Thought they'd at least offer me a court date? Probably could get one if I wanted, but not worth the hassle.

    Be a cold day in Hell before I vacation there....not that I'd want to, anyway - too many tall green bushy things! Get claustophobic amongst them: I like the Great Wide Open too much. In fact, time to hit "America's Loneliest Highway" for a few hundred miles. Breafast at Middlegate - best dang grub on the Pony Express Trail!
  13. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    I assume you mean US 50. Isn't Middlegate less than an hour east of Fallon, NV? I've stopped at their little bar for refreshments coming and going many times. There's another road from there to get to Austin, NV looping south of US50 that's kinda cool..about the same length of ride as staying on US50. I love US 50 across NV..7 mountain passes! The road was repaved a couple of years ago and is in good shape.
  14. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    Hwy 722 over Carol Summit will get you to Austin - if you don't hit a Bighorn sheep on the way. Take the next right past the Shoe Tree. Gotta love that "Hole in the Wall" pass at Eastgate.

    A whole bunch of 50 is newly paved - some just this summer - at least in NV. Eureka is another neat town to stop in. Austin's "International" is nice, but dang if the barkeep ain't a bit too "unattractive" to be that grumpy!

    But I sure do love it here!
  15. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    >>> too many tall green bushy things! Get claustophobic amongst them: I like the Great Wide Open too much.<<<

    Lol, ya, trees bad, rocks good…:D
  16. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    Red Rider..one of my favorite views on US50 is across the street from the Chevron station in Austin looking west. There's the sign showing "The Loneliest Highway" with that big valley beyond.

    I was coming back from Colorado like I did every June (until moving to Las Vegas to go to school) and thought I had enough gas to make it to Austin. There's a saddle pass just east of Austin that I forgot was a saddle. I knew I could make it to the top, when I saw I had a couple of miles to the other pass. I ran out of gas just as I hit the second pass and coasted all the way down the mountain into Austin..across town..and into the Chevron station. That was extremely lucky. Guess I was pushing it too hard from Ely that day. Ely's another cool town that I usually stayed in (probably 10 times) coming and going from Sacramento, CA to Colorado and back.

    Where abouts to you live? I'm riding up to Virginia City next Thursday evening (staying at the Sugarloaf Motel..main drag on C St.) for St. Vibrations. I'll be in Reno for the day on Friday and VC on Saturday..riding back to Las Vegas on Sunday.
  17. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Churchill County, NV
    Know that part of road. Nice you made it in to Austin, as that last hill's a doozy with a whole lot of S-curves. But even running out of gas there wouldn't be too bad, cuz 50 ain't near as lonely as it's rep - not compared to most NV roads, at least. And NV folks are good about helping anyone on the roadside.

    I'll be at VC on Saturday if all works out - another pal is s'posed to ride in that weekend. I live near Fallon in Churchill County. I'll probably hit Reno during the week before the crowds.
  18. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    If you can give me a time, I'll try and be out front of the "Bucket of Blood". Would like to say hello and share a beer or something. I can also give you my cell phone #..which doesn't work too well down by the motel, but ok in town.
  19. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    Virginia City or Bust!

    Don't no for sure yet when I'll be there, but I expect to be there around the same time (noonish) if not a little later (depends on how the night before went!). I'll be the 5'7" pony-tailed guy wearing a black cowboy hat with a thin brown band and a leather Harley vest with patches from some of my military service on it (USA flag over the heart, of course). Another pard of mine will have his trailer at the campground in town, so I'll probably park Ol' Red there. Be glad to hoist a cool one with you. Maybe even tell ya a sea story or two that I shouldn't!

    Virginia City is definitely the place to be. Reno Vibes is OK, but that scene gets old quick, especially for us locals. Hardcores all go to V.C. - and the local color is as good as it gets anywhere, especially the ladies - if its warm enough. The deputies will be there in force, but I've never seen them be anything other than cool with bikers - most are riding hogs, too. It's as close to the atmosphere in the Quarter in New Orleans as I've found elsewhere. Just wish that the old wooden bars didn't have so many poker machines stuck in 'em. Don't use 'em myself, like to win too much and couldn't afford to live here if I did! Don't miss the Union Brewery - posers hate the place, but its very biker-friendly, and the 100-mile view from the little balcony out back is a great place for a cigar break.
  20. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Las Vegas, NV
    I'll probably have a Virginia City tie-dyed t-shirt on..about 5'11'' with almost military haircut (not intentional..it was 100º out last week when I got my hair cut) and glasses. I'll try and hang out either inside or outside the Bucket of Blood between around noon to one. I may ride the FJR (dark silver) down the street and park it in front of the BoB in the morning before the place is jammed.

    Been staying in VC at least 6 years now. 3rd year at the Sugarloaf Motel (bright blue place on the rt.hand side with a small store before the 4th St Ward School on the left). Spent 2 years at the Chollar Mansion (behind the school) before that (some weird stories about that place..to this day). It's nice not dealing with the hwy up from Reno and back on a Saturday (from Fallon you can come up the back way using 6 Mile Canyon just east of Dayton). Is the brewery way up (east) the main drag on the rt? There used to be only one bar open after dark..last year there were a dozen.

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