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Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by hotroadking, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Mouseville USA
    August 06 my 116 tossed a rod, damaged the cases, pistons, rear head, cylinders etc, the rear rod let go at the base making the lower cases basically junk.

    So I called SNS to get the news, did I need a new credit line, do I have enough on the charge card, will I be working cleaning out old parts on the assembly line, nope under warrenty because I ran the IST. Cool

    They said take it to a dealer we'll pay for the deinstall, shipping and reinstall.

    I called back and said If I do it myself and save you the $ at the dealer would you bump it to a 124, they said "OK" so you know what happens then

    6 months later I get it back, reinstall the motor myself runs good, This is March 07. Then in early Dec it starts making a nasty racket, was running fine and then it sounded like bowling balls, nuts bolts and whatever in an aluminum tub.

    Called SNS, they said tear it down, so I did. top end was perfect, cyl were perfect rods were perfect, now I'm wondering WTF, started playing with the flywheels by moving them around, and when you turned it backward you'd get a little clunk hmm. Called back SNS says tear down the cases I told them I'd prefer a dealer do that (basically wanted someone besides me to see what was in there)

    Well the balancer cover bolts had broken off, 5 of them were in half the other one was on it's way out. Called SNS, they asked if there was any locktite, called dealer- he said nothing was used they were clean as a whistle.

    So SNS called me back, box it and ship it we'll take care of it. I pulled it and took it to the dealer and shipped it to SNS.

    Last week the 124 showed up. Called SNS asked if they would pay to install the motor, they said fine, I could but I"m busy and let them pay to get the work done. Basically I've had the bike for under a year the last two years but they have taken full care of it each time. Good Company.

    Spent last night going through the garage and boxing up the parts for the Heritage, today was delivery day to the dealer.

    Bolted the gas tank and seat on the frame, made it a roller.

    Went through my stored parts, they've been in two storage containers on the shelf. Frig I just remembered I forgot to put the inner and outer primary covers in the truck, now I have to drive up tonight, sheetfire!

    Whats worse is I told myself to move them over by the boxes I stacked so I wouldn't forget them and of course in typical dumbarse fashion promised to remember them. I guess technically I did remember them just 4 hours later duh! Roll Eyes

    Anyway last night went though made sure all the parts were there, bag'd n tag'd ready to install.

    They should do a good job, said they would go through the parts, clean everything, clean out the oil lines and tank and oil cooler, SNS gets the bill, so that's cool

    Guess I best take the trailer home at noon and put the primary covers in the truck for delivery to the dealer.

    Couple of days and we'll be rollin again!

    Can't friggin wait.

    Main Lead tech Brian and the tech doing the work asked me to wait until today, no prob.

    Rolled the chassis up on the trailer this am, pretty darn easy without a motor or trans in the frame LOL

    Returned a windshield that won't fit that I bought at half price, marked on the box wrong, ordered a new lexan smoked std height, my current one is scratched, going to cut it down for a shorty then look for hardware for a heritage windshield for the new lexan, have two shields.

    Now I have to clean out the garage and paint the patio/pool deck.

    It's always something
  2. Tiny86

    Tiny86 New Member

    Sep 26, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Wichita Falls TX
  3. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
    Likes Received:
    sounds good

    Wow HRK sounds like you got some work cut out for ya. Good to be able to do it yourself though. THat is surprising how well things were taken care of by them. Is that a standard asked question about the loctite?:cool:
  4. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Mouseville USA
    NOthing to take pictures of now bikes at the HD Dealer, no work for me SNS is picking up the tab so I'm letting the dealer do the work.
  5. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    keep us posted hrk........nice to hear of a standup company in todays sell and forget market...............
  6. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    Sound's easyer then it was :D & what is A IST ? good the here there standing up for there engine's
  7. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    IST is SNS's intellegent spark system or ignition for carb bikes, it has in addtion to the normal HD connectors a knock sensor and temp sensor, that way it can advance and retard timing on the fly. You dont have to tune the ignition kind of a half a thundermax because it can't control fuel.

    I'd love to see it have wideband 02 sensors so you could hook up a meter or light and see if it's rich or lean to rejet the carb!

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