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B.H.O. & Queen Elizabeth--one of the best!

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by cardboard, Jul 19, 2010.

  1. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    I think this is one of the better Obama/Biden jokes!!! A lttle humor in these troubling times is healthy even for Democrats.

    Barack Obama met with the Queen of England.

    He asked her, "Your Majesty, how do you run such an efficient government?
    Are there any tips you can give to me?"

    "Well," said the Queen, "the most important thing is to surround yourself with intelligent people."

    Obama frowned, and then asked, "But how do I know the people around me are really intelligent?"

    The Queen took a sip of tea. "Oh, that's easy; you just ask them to answer an intelligent riddle." The Queen pushed a button on her intercom. "Please send Tony Blair in here, would you?"

    Tony Blair walked into the room and said, "Yes, my Queen?"

    The Queen smiled and said, "Answer me this please, Tony, your mother and father have a child. It is not your brother and it is not your sister. Who is it?"

    Without pausing for a moment, Tony Blair answered, "That would be me."

    "Yes! Very good," said the Queen.

    Obama went back home to ask Joe Biden, his vice presidential choice the same question.
    "Joe, answer this for me. Your mother and your father have a child. It's not your brother and it's not your sister. Who is it?"

    "I'm not sure," said Biden. "Let me get back to you on that one.." He went to his advisors and asked every one, but none could give him an answer. Finally, he ended up in the men's room and recognized Colin Powell's shoes in the next stall.

    Biden asked Powell, "Colin, can you answer this for me? Your mother and father have a child and it's not your brother or your sister. Who is it?"

    Colin Powell yelled back, "That's easy, it's me!"

    Biden smiled, and said, "Thanks!" Then, he went back to speak with Obama.
    "Say, I did some research and I have the answer to that riddle. It is Colin Powell!"

    Obama got up, stomped over to Biden, and angrily yelled into his face, "No! you idiot!
    It's Tony Blair!"

    And That My Friends Is What Is Wrong With Our Government
  2. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    Sound's like something those two would do/say:roflmao::eek:

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