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Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Goose, Aug 30, 2005.

  1. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Who knows for how long, but I went and bought a new computer. Got two computers down now, one about fixed is in the shop. I hate Windows XP. Can't run any of my old hardware or software on it. I'm going to do all my writing on my old computers, printing, too, since my printer won't work with Windows XP. :rolleyes: Another of Bill Gates' money grabs I reckon. I'd like to kick his nerdy, rich azz. :mad:

    Anyway, can't make it out with you all this weekend. It's a combination of money (lack there of), the race this weekend, and trying to MAKE money. I've been doing pretty good at the shop lately, but I've been catching up with the back log. Actually doing tractors now, diesels. LOL! They're stone simple, though. Just had to learn how to prime the injectors after taking 'em out. :D Ain't even a friggin' ignition system to mess with, though I haven't figured out how to get a compression reading, LOL! Guess you could do it through the injector hole, but that ain't as easy as pulling a spark plug. I'm fortunately being tutored on these agricultural implements by my partner who owns the joint and does agricultural stuff. Kinda neat, out in the country, horse pen and corral behind the place, real piece of Texas. :D

    Anyhoo, hope you guys have a bunch of fun. Wish I could be there, but just ain't happenin'. Breaking point is I think we're looking at over three bucks a gallon soon! MY GOD! FIFTEEN BUCKS TO FILL THE BIKE UP?????!!!!!!!! Well, more like twelve from reserve. Holds about 5, but a gallon is reserve. Friggin' BS! I've been getting guys by here asking if I have bikes for sale. I do have three, one old Voyager XII I rebuilt for a guy and he wants to sell, one nearly new 200cc DP bike for $800, and I'd sell my 200. The 200s are Chinese bikes, Diamo, I got whole sale for resale. But, I've started riding the last one I got cause the danged thing gets 70 + to the gallon. But, it's top cruise is about 50 mph due to low gearing. Thinking about getting a 4 tooth smaller rear sprocket made up by Sprocket Specialists for it.

    The Wing gets 35-40 mpg, the SV about 45. But, at 3 bucks PLUS, that 200 is sounding better and better for the 32 mile ride to the shop. LOL! Somethin' gotta give soon on this gas price thing. It's GOT to start inflation up big time if not kill the economy. It SUX! I bought the SV in 02 and could fill it up for under five bucks! WTF!
  2. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    Welcome back!

    Welcome back Goose! I just got my Clinical rotation schedule.....even if I had been THINKING about making the ride, I would not have been able to due to "work" or Learning the work....or something like that! Good luck with your races this weekend!!! Sounds like fun working on tractors....... :confused: :p Enjoy! Let me know when you think about coming up towards SA!!!
  3. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    Good to see ya back online there Goose. You'll be missed this weekend, but there's always next year. You might have to ride that Chinese bike out when it hits $4 a gallon though. :eek: No matter what your situation, it's better than in New Orleans and the surrounding area..just plain God awful. Should've invested all my money in Valero Oil this year. It's gone from $40 something a share earlier this year to $97 a share today. I was surprised to see it jump almost $5 a share today alone since they have a refinery down for a few weeks due to Katrina.

    Just got word from Bob, who made it into Pocatello, ID today where he was to meet up with Marc. Says Marc's Road King broke down in Boise, ID and he's holed up there tonight. Something about a spline problem and leaking oil. There's a big Harley shop in town and he's hopeful to be up and running and meet Bob in Utah tomorrow evening. So if all goes well, we're all gonna meet up still Thursday evening in Flagstaff.
  4. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Have fun, guys... :( Wish I could be there. I might be heading out in a week or two for Louisiana. My partner over in Edna knows a contractor that's going to be working over there. We have a Case front end loader/back hoe, we can take over there to work. Don't know details, little things like MONEY, yet, but I might be running a back hoe for a while. It's all to be funded by FEMA so I'll be taking some of your tax payer's dollars for a while. Lord knows how long it'll take. It's to be 7 days a week and Lester has a couple of other guys lined up. Thinking it's 24 hour round the clock, don't know about that. But, Lester has it planned, says he wants days off, don't wanna be there seven days a week. We have to wait until we can get in there, though. Not sure if we'll be heading to Mississippi or New Orleans. New Orleans is going to take a month to pump out when they can get the pumps running. :eek: I personally don't know that it's WORTH rebuilding, but then, that's another story. Anyway, we won't be able to go until there are some roads cleared to get there on. The area is a huge mess. God help those folks, I sure feel for 'em. I've been through one like that when I was a kid, but the Texas coast isn't a sub sea city like New Orleans and we don't build anything on the beach we don't expect to get washed away once in a while, LOL! I just wonder who the heck insures New Orleans homes for flood? I know flood insurance is federally subsidized, but I've built a couple of homes on the coast and to get flood insurance you have to build above a certain elevation. You can't get insurance if you're 12 feet below friggin' sea level in a river flood plain by the gulf! :rolleyes:

    Anyway, enough rambling. I am caught pretty much up on my wrenching. Putting a tractor together this week. There's a Ford there that the head is getting redone on, but it's not a rush deal. Guess this hurricane deal will keep me in the money through the off season if it comes about, I hope.
  5. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    Yeah Goose..looks to be a lot of work ahead for a couple of years down along the Gulf Coast. I'll bet investing in Home Depot may be a good bet right now..along with oil stocks. Geez..a buddy in Oklahoma City told me last night he's seeing $3 a gallon and it's usually much cheaper there than where I am here in Las Vegas. I filled my truck up yesterday for $2.69 for fear when I get back home next week what the price of fuel's gonna be. It went up another dime today here..just a start I figure. They're talking $3.35 or so real soon. I'm glad I commute by bike most of the time. Hell..I bet it'd be tough to sell my V8 Dakota PU for a decent price right now. Thinking of switching to a Toyata 6 cylinder or something (I still need to be able to pull my motorcycle trailer).
  6. CD

    CD Guest

    Just a little profiteering maybe?

    I'll bet you will not see a single charge of profiteering by the big petroleum companies either. Bush is owned by oil so who is going to take a stand? Congress and the Senate are completely silent on the issue. Where are the investigations? Hell, even the gossip shows are mum.

    Bush burped out a blurb about gas stations but, the big boys? Hell no way!
  7. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV

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