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Been wondering myself...

Discussion in 'Trips N' Trails - the ride is the adventure' started by voodoo1, Jan 1, 2007.

  1. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    What would it take to have a get "together" I know we are all pretty much everywhere. I think it would be cool if it could be done. I know most in Ohio could meet in Columbus then head to Cincy...Louisville, hook up there then .....to Nashville... oh yeah Memphis(gotta get them Red Beans and rice)!!! then ?????
    Everybody coming up from FLA and Ga could hook up with us (somewhere) then BAM...... KANSAS? We could take a tour at the factory out there. I have been there once when it just the sporties getting built out there.
    (Took off on a whim on a Friday evening and got there Saturday Morning hung out took the tour on Monday then headed home.)

    But..Hey just an idea... but I am in need of a long trip and some clear my mind time..what better way than with a group of fellow riders.... I'd help on this end.... times and dates..if it is possible... count me in!!!!
  2. GreyBear

    GreyBear New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Nomad, currently the Blue Ridge Mountains
    Fine with me....

    Lot of logistics to figure out but could easily be done......need to decide on stop overs etc. Me I prefer camping but I can deal with a motel as long as we are talking more Motel 6 than Hyatt...either way we would need to get a head count and make some reservations.....which brings about the other thing of when...and how many miles a day we shooting for, etc.I can hook up with the pack in Nashville....or head down to Atlanta and go that way...and I figure if we are gonna do something like this ...design a patch and everyone that makes the trip gets one for cost...and making the trips the ONLY way to get it lol. So what about it? I figure if we start planning now it could happen this summer. Only things I have that leave me no wiggle room is Memorial Day/Rolling Thunder and Fall Bike week at Myrtle Beach.........
    Ride Free.......
  3. Seahag

    Seahag New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Mankato, MN
    I think my 'dance card' is full for this year; but if you guys get something going, I could try to schedule it in for 2008.

    Last summer I did a few get together rides with area members from harleyarena; and a national get together for members from Harleyshoptalk. These events, where I met people I had gotten to know first online, were more fun than any of the other rallies I've attended. The HST run had 31 members representing 15 states show up....While maybe not that impressive in size, it was still more people than you could adequately catch up with in one 3-day rally....and the group rides were big but manageable with that number.

    I hope you guys are successful at setting something up.
  4. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    what did it take?

    What were some of the problems ya' ran into Sea?
    Any suggestions?
    It'll take some doing like trying to find the right time for it.
    June July August..
    Did ya post and see who wanted what?
    Thanks for any info
  5. Seahag

    Seahag New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Mankato, MN
    Ok...first you have to realize not everybody is going to make it. You can't accomodate every schedule. So the membership first voted on the prospective locations....this was greatly helped by a member stepping up and saying he would 'host' the rally. He and his wife basically helped direct everyone to area lodging, then made arrangements for a group dinner and barBque at their place....and planned out some kick ass routes through the best scenery their area had to offer. Next the membership voted on which month it was going to be in...majority rules. Then when we knew the month, we voted on the weekend it would be held on.

    We probably had all this worked out 8-9 months in advance so everyone who wanted to be their could make arrangements for their time and money....still several members that said they were coming dropped out at the last minute.

    Everybody who came though said it was the best decision they'd made....like a family reunion. The east coasters had no idea how beautiful the mid west was and how clean the land and air is here. Our HST rally was held in south west Wisconsin...not too far from the headquarters of S&S cycles.

    As soon as we all got back from the rally, numerous threads were started with picture posting and story telling for those who couldn't or wouldn't make it. Needless to say, they all were very sad they hadn't attended and promised a much bigger turn out for the second one being held this June in Tennessee.

    CD and company had a run every year, but since the majority of members at the time were in the south west, the rally was always too far for me at a time when I couldn't afford it. Now that I'm down to my last three payments on my bike and my vacation bank is built up over a month, I can entertain thoughts of these kind of events.

    I hope you all are able to get something going.:cheers:
  6. Seahag

    Seahag New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Mankato, MN
    As far as the small area rides went, I organized most of those for my brothers and sisters on the harleyarena this past year. I picked a regional event (the spring and fall 'flood runs') and recruited interest in attending and getting together for a group ride. Then another member who had a cabin in the area, suggested we all stay at his place and make a weekend of it. About ten of us were able to get together for those rides...and they were great too; but on a smaller scale.
  7. ironhorse

    ironhorse Active Member

    Sep 20, 2006
    Likes Received:
    I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere
    when I entertained this thought a while back it got me thanking of a pre stop befor something like thunder mountain bike rally or stugis, maybe bike night in nev or some thing where the group meets up some where a day or so before then ride in after. the one thing is riding in a group for some is nerve racking and for good reason, I am one that has to trust those around me and able to anticipate thier moves. but can also ride in a group. food for tought.
  8. Seahag

    Seahag New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Mankato, MN

    This was an issue we were concerned with as well at the start of our first group ride with 27 bikes; but we soon learned that the members of HST at least, can walk the talk; as we were all experienced riders and not just keyboard jockeys.:biker:
  9. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    thanks for the info

    I have that same general caution. Got alot of fellas out here (that put on a nice poker run for respectful organizations). THEY wear a MEAN Harley shirt and sure can puff on a cigar but then I get stuck behind them wobblin and stalling their bike in intersections(no it ain't the booze)...... I end up always riding with the fellas I know and we know how to ride in a group..if they don't I end up showing them most of the time. That way later during the ride they can enjoy themselves "knowing a bit more about what is going on.
    Others I don't even waste my time. We got stuck behind some real brake-happy riders in for about three miles in the hills...some would simply get over because they knew we were more experienced..others we had to blast by...nothing like 10 to 15 orgainized bikes blasting around three goof balls all decked out for the weekend. Better that then watching them wobble and dang near stop in a turn and end up wrecking us.

    This would be something though worth while to try and I'd bet the keyboard crew would not wanna go that far anyway. However if we hit their town they could show us around and that would be cool to me.
  10. Seahag

    Seahag New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Mankato, MN
    Thats probably what happened in our case too....only the 'real' riders were willing to travel thousands of miles to visit with others like them.
  11. 2fastnaz

    2fastnaz Moderator

    Sep 30, 2005
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    The Shores of Tonto Creek
    I'd qualify for Iron But making that run from AZ.
  12. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    phoenix to kansas??

    Az- Kansas KS.1359 miles

    columbus,oh - Memphis 588
    memphis- Kansas,KS 521
    total 1109
    where do ya split the difference?
  13. ironhorse

    ironhorse Active Member

    Sep 20, 2006
    Likes Received:
    I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere
    here's some thought if yer heading to a specific say stugis run that may be grounds for a centerized area, then run on into sturgis... this is only an example.
  14. Pixs

    Pixs New Member

    Dec 29, 2006
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    Oceanside CA
    Good points made!


    Ironhorse maks several good points! I really hate riding up on someone that is scared $hitless and needs to learn how to ride. Likewise, riding side by side; an old bro and I did a 7400 miler to Boston and back last Oct. I was shocked by how much he forgot: no details, just I ride alone now. If I don't know your riding skills, I'll tell you not to ride next to me in the lane. If you have an absolute top speed you will not go beyond; stay away from me, especially passing an 18 wheeler.

    I haven't put on any formal runs for about 17 years, but the best were the ones that went to out of the way places and targeted a restraunt/bar, or a primitive camp ground, not RUB hangouts complete with vendors. "Da Little Lady" has a softer ass these days but she is going to get back into longer rides with me this summer; She bought me an 06 Super Glide last Fathers Day, she really hates (the back seat) my hot rod Sportster. :fight: I'm on the right, Sue's on the left.

    I'd like to go some place that I haven't been before not involving freeways. This summer, we're going to Portland OR via PCH and any place inbetween that strikes our fancy. Camping and motels, think I'll time it for Hollister or the Redwood Run. You do need to plan a year or so ahead though.

    Good luck with a get together, I'll be there if the mood strikes me at the time.

    Best to all,


    ps. I still ride like I stole it and I avoid black tee shirts with dealer logos, RUB wear.

    :cheers: Smoke (pot not cigars), Drink, and be Evil. Life is too short to drink cheep beer.

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