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Biker Bed and Breakfast

Discussion in 'Trips N' Trails - the ride is the adventure' started by Hot01, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado
    Quick post - I'm at work...

    I might have a chance to present a business plan to a bunch of investors. When I was doing my MBA, I created a marketing plan for a biker bed & breakfast. I still think it would be fun and cool.

    Outside of town - maybe an old ranch house - in southwestern Colorado
    Garage to put the bikes and do small stuff like oil changes
    Big grill and place to hang out
    pool table(s)
    Maybe some tent sites too
    Rent bikes in the future

    What do you think? Would you go or tell your friends about i?
  2. smiley7661

    smiley7661 New Member

    May 13, 2008
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    My only questions would be.. what is the weather like, longer riding season, more revenue... and getting into Oil changes would put you under a whole nother group of people checking into your buisness?... EPA?...but if I was in the area.. I would prefer biker friendly as opposed to not so friendly... my 2 cents...
  3. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado
    Are you an investor? :roflmao:

    Yes, all those revenue-related items will go into the business plan. I just want to know if people would stay there rather than the local Super 8, assuming the price was right.

    OK, next question:

    The area is close to Moab and some other scenic areas that have a longer riding season. It is also close to some incredible mountain riding, which obviously has a shorter season. So, if in peak season the local flea bag motel is $89 a night, the KOA will give you a patch of grass for $25 a night (although they are usually booked solid in the summer), do you think $120 a night for a room in a log cabin with biker-resort amenities and a safe, warm, dry place for you bike would be too much? $109? What would it be worth?

    I know it's all over my head. I typically camp because I'm too poor to pay for a hotel room.
  4. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    Are you thinking near the Grand Junction area? I think it would be a good idea, so when do I make my reservations?

    Seems you'd be roughly on the path for Las Vegas/Los Angeles Sturgis-bound riders. Could get a massive amount of business for a couple weeks. After that, I think you'd want to be the destination more than the rest stop, so you'd want to cater to the RUBs (not meant as an affront, they're riders, too - only they pay their bills:roflmao: ) and to other highwaymen and women - even if they ride Yamahas :)roflmao: ...for you, SK!). If you had a pond or other fishing access you'd get a good steady clientele, I'm thinking. Denver/CO Springs crowd in the summer for overnights.

    Yep, seems like a sweet idea. You're style (I met her, she's real) would be a great fit, too. Just be real careful on who you bring into the business. The B&B (with or without the Biker "B") business is heavily personality based, especially when you're working the off-peak, low volume parts of the year. If I wasn't such a misanthrope I'd jump at the chance to do that sort of thing!

    As to the price, I think you might get away with the $120 per for the best accomodations, but you may also want to have spots of minimalist comfort to bring in regular riders(far away from the cabins!). At $120 you are going to have much reduced flow, and cancellations (which happen more with bikers than cagers - bad weather will scare more wealthy clients away) will take a bigger bite.

    Last edited: Oct 1, 2008
  5. steveb

    steveb Active Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    Cambridge, Minnesota
    This is place over in my neck of the woods. They seem to busy all thru the summer and fall. Usually you have to call a month in advance to get a room.

    Blue Highway Motorcycle Lodge LLC
  6. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    A couple things to think about when doing a business like this...
    1) It takes a few years to become estabilished.
    2) Have something UNIQUE....something that will make you stand out.
    3) Even by trying to go into a nitch market, you are looking to make it an even smaller nitch by catering to a specific group (bikers, in this case).

    A couple things that you could do to help yourself in this venture.... plan ahead.....do not count on all your income coming from the bed and breakfast for a number of years (and with this type of business, not sure you can count on it for year around income....depends on how it goes). You are off to a great start in thinking of the unique aspect of having "indoor storage" of the iron stallions....and even more unique by having a garage to do minor servicing such as oil changes and such. Would these be additional cost? How would you dispose of used oil (I would recommend using some of the used oil burning furnaces for wintertime heat!). Would the tools be signed out with deposit on them?
    I would also suggest that tho you are biker friendly, make sure to register with the local chamber of commerce, and the tour industry for those that may be on 4 wheels. In the case of the 4 wheel travelers AND the bikers, I would also place focus on the breakfast!!! If you have great food, great room, and great service to go along with the right location, you can ask for the moon!!!

    As to your thoughts, I would actually consider a couple different thoughts....same rate, reasonable year around, or you could try having peak and off season rates. Also, are you thinking about having the "bed and breakfast" in a large home, with the rooms in the house? or are you thinking of having a number of "bunggalo cabins" with a central Kitchen/dining room? Free wireless internet? Phone service? are you close enough to a cell tower to allow personal cell phone use?

    For a great atmosphere, great breakfast, and great bed (with/without maintance aspect for the bikes), 129/night is a good price....now is that per person, or is that for first person with extra charges per person above that? I would also think about a "playground" for the 4 wheel traveler that may have kids with them!!! I think it is a great idea!!! Location is one of the KEY aspects.

    Another thought for the "true traveling biker" would be to have some "camping space".....set up a tent and still get a breakfast in the morning type of thing.....at a reduced cost. tent space and breakfast (as long as bath and shower is available may be worth 40-60/nite to many!!!

    GOOD LUCK!!! Sounds like fun! Too bad I don't have extra capital....would grubstake ya and see what happens!!
  7. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    Looks VERY cool!!!! and looks like they addressed many of the issues I mentioned above!!! NEAT!
  8. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    yes I would stay if the price was in my budget , & if it turned out a good stay I would pass on the good word on where to stay in that area , like you on the road I camp out , & about every other night I find a cheep motel or truck for a shower :D , if it been two days riding in the rain then it's motel time just to dry out some , I did like the link to the blue hwy inn look like a good place
  9. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado
    Thanks for the input!

    Snowmobiles in the winter is a good idea. I was also thinking of doing a quilt retreat place in the winter, where groups could come and stay. There's a pretty good market for that too.

    I was thinking of campsites and/or a bunkhouse for the budget-minded biker. I have some experience in the hotel industry and understand customer service well. I'm sure I can come up with a week's worth of killer breakfasts too. I'll have to import some maple syrup from back home.

    I'm sure I'd do peak and off-peak. I like the idea of oil burning furnaces. And yes, Red, I was thinking about somewhere between Montrose and Grand Junction. Low enough that you could hit Moab and Gateway and some other breathtaking places in the cooler months, and easily accessible to the San Juans, Silverton, Durango, Mesa Verde, and Telluride.

    It could definitely be a destination, but Sturgis traffic wouldn't hurt.
  10. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    i like the way this thread is going......

    Attached Files:

  11. smiley7661

    smiley7661 New Member

    May 13, 2008
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    Nope not an investor.. unless I can pay with Chrome?
    :roflmao: :roflmao:

    I think that it would be a great idea, and I like the idea of getting the oil burning stoves, but again.. check what the EPA would say.. but even if you had to dispose of it... I know that Kragen takes it for free around here, and what a selling point for the guy that has been on the road for a week?
  12. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    I don't have the big thumb like chuck , but I let you look at his twice :D for I also like the good thinking on your post Abby
  13. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado
    Great! I'm working on the investment summary this weekend. I "met" a guy on Facebook who is a Harley rider and a real estate agent in Colorado, and he's sent me some listings so I'll have an idea on price. My mother, who has been a general contractor in the past and is now roaming the country in her RV with her (almost) 90 year old husband, has said she'd park the rig on the property and oversee construction. She also agreed to run the place while I go out riding in the summer. :roflmao: Well, some of the time. Free hook-up for her. I don't want to make it an RV place, but I can make an exception for my mother. Now to just figure out how much a monster log cabin will cost.
  14. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    sounds like a plan is in the works.....and some of the pieces are falling in the right place!!!!!! keep us posted, this sounds interesting!!!!!!!:)
  15. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    The location is a very good spot for Colorado as it leads to almost everywhere easily on the west slope. In the general area mentioned is a town called Crawford (north of the Black Canyon of the Gunnsion..an awesome ride in itself). Joe Cocker made his ranch there as it's close to Telluride (where he originally wanted to live), Aspen and Grand Jct.

    Definitely need some camping spots as it's low maintenance income, and half your clientele may very well be campers, especially with the economy the way it is.

    My lady friend's house in Carbondale is for sale. It's an 8500 sq.ft. house with a 6 car garage and have seen a dozen bikes in there with room to spare. Best view in the Roaring Fork Valley (30 miles west of Aspen) at about 7800' elevation (1500' above the town of Carbondale) facing Mt. Sopris with views of the Maroon Bells by Aspen..amazing panorama view. It's got 4 large bedrooms (3 w/bathrooms) upstairs w/master suite on main floor (w/his&hers bathrooms) w/huge media room basement w/bar and is on 8+ acres. We've thought about it being a biker B&B, but zoning has prohibited it. It'd only been open to bikers from May through Oct because of snow. Wintertime would gather the skiing crowd.

    Abby mentions Gateway, which is west of Telluride on the way to Utah and Moab. What a canyon ride that it includes the old uranium town of Uravan, then Naturita. Beautiful country.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2008
  16. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado

    The conference is s scam. I'm still going through with it, but I have a little more time to plan. I got going on it real quickly after I was informed about this angel investor conference coming up in Denver. I registered online and started the process. I had to do a benchmark survey to see how my ideas and background compared to successful businesses. It was somewhat useful information, but I didn't think it was any big deal.

    Then I started the investment summary. I saved it about halfway through, and they gave me a score (without anyone having a clue what I was pitching). They said I could improve the score by having my benchmark survey reviewed or audited. That's when I found out they want $750 for a review or $2,500 for an audit.

    Do they think I'm some kind of moron? It's OK. I have more time to get a better plan together.
  17. Ashley

    Ashley Active Member

    Aug 8, 2008
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    Izmir Province, Turkey
    Well all I can say is that if I was in the USA and in the area and traveling, I'd be making use of the place. But I'm in UK so it is unlikely in the near future. I'd so love to go riding in the USA, through Utah, Nevada, Arizona. I like mountains, I like desert, I like hot. Maybe one day it will happen.
  18. stoogefan

    stoogefan New Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    bed and breakfast

    I think it would be a great place to go. The only thing is colorado is cold and snowy.
  19. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    Abby sorry to here that , but you can still go on like you said , you just have a bit more time to better plan , I hate it when you see stuff like that & then find out they just want in you pockets :rant: :cussing:
  20. Sportster2003

    Sportster2003 New Member

    May 2, 2004
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    Bed and Breakfast

    You havbe a couple of years to get it ready I'm guessing before my kid and I, and maybe the wife as well, and maybe the other kid,.... come cruising through and will be looking out to stay.:)
    Sounds wonderful but please do your homework. I bought into a business I thought was a winner and it cost:cussing: . Lucky I'm a rig pig so it didn't make too big of a change in my lifestyle.
    With an MBA you sound like you know what you are doing so I'll leave it at that.
    Other ideas?? Dirt bike trails, for both 2 and 4 wheelers, tyre change machine, shooting range. Maybe getting carried away here but there are all sorts of entertaining little sidelines you could have.
    Good showers and good food are the biggest attractions I've ever seen though.
    Good luck.

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