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Blowing Fuses

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by cropguy, Jan 30, 2006.

  1. cropguy

    cropguy New Member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Central Valley California
    Was out riding the other day and upon shutting my 2000 Heritage down I
    lost the electronic speedometer, brake lights, and turn signals when I restarted the bike. When I replace the blown fuse, it immediately blows the new one without trying to start the bike or anything. Anyone have any ideas where my problem might be ? Is there anyway to isolate these items to try and determine where my problem might be. This is my first bike that I only bought a couple of months ago, so I am new at all of this.
    Any help or input someone might have to help me get this problem fixed would be greatly appreciated !



    PS CD, thank you for the reply. But since I have training wheels, where are the front and rear brake switches ? Anybody ? Also, how do i isolate the circuits when everything seems to run together into one accessory fuse under the seat ? Thanks for your help everyone !
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2006
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    Unplug the Speedo head to prevent damage.

    Wait! first, make sure you have the Service Manual!.

    It is fairly common for the rear brake switch ot the front brake switch to cause this. You can isolate the problem by isolating the circuits and testing for grounds until you find the fault.
  3. VYBR8R

    VYBR8R New Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    Tracy, CA
    Blown Fuses

    The fuse you are blowing is the Accesories fuse I presume from the items that are not working. The hot wire for this circuit is orange with a white stripe. Somewhere along this line is where you are grounding. The most obvious place to look is under either the clutch perch or frontmaster cylinder attaching clamps for a pinched wire. It usually takes a while for the wires to actually break down and short out. Also you might take a look around the left side of the stearing head where the wire bundles wrap around the head. Once in a while the wire bundle will get pinched by the fork stop and create a problem or the bundle will wear through the insulation and rub on the neck. One last question, are the switch housing wires run through your handlebars or still on the outside of the bars like the factory designed?
  4. scooter

    scooter New Member

    Dec 29, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Check your grounds as well, and DEFINITELY get your service manual, like CD said...


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