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Bluetooth Helmets

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by iambs, Jan 1, 2008.

  1. iambs

    iambs New Member

    Jan 1, 2008
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    South Florida
    I am buying a bluetooth GPS that will feed everything including calls to my helmet. The problem is I am not sure how to wire my helmet with the best accessories for this system. Does anyone have any suggestions.
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    sorry, you are not going to like my suggestion. throw it away. it is dangerous enough staying alive while rideing with out the distractions of telephones, gps's, and anything else you have to concentrate on to hear. if having a telephone conversation is that important while rideing....sell the bike and walk. to many people have turned the autos into an office and are killing folks because of it. now they are starting the same on a bike. when will people wake up. riding a bike is dangerous enough without the distractions of multi tasking. ride your bike to get away from the everyday humdruims and let your anxietys drift to the side of the road and you ride by. i do carry a phone when i ride....but it is in the saddle bag. when i am stopped i will use it, but only when the bike is on the stand!!!!:) this is my opinion and i know it will ruffle a few feathers.....but i never was one to hold my mind!!:)

    HAMSHOG New Member

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Palm Springs, CA
    I will agree with Chucktx. I have done the talk on the cell while riding along and it's way more trouble than it's worth!! Now, mine is on my side or in my windshield bag until I stop. Enjoy the ride and get your messages when it's parked!!:D
  4. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    Well, you ain't gonna like my opinion either......I'm with Chuck and Hamshog. I ride my bike to get away from all the bullsh*t of my business and daily crap, not to answer phone calls and emails. Scrap that overpriced helmet and potential health hazard and ride, and leave your phone, office, etc in the saddle bag. We don't want to read about you splatted on the back of a cage cause you were taking an important business call.....:(
  5. bikerputz

    bikerputz New Member

    Nov 18, 2007
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    Marlboro, MA
    I'm also with everyone else. Ever get off a cell phone while driving and not remember that last several miles. Scary!!! Definatly a health hazard.
  6. iambs

    iambs New Member

    Jan 1, 2008
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    South Florida
    As I can appreciate what you all are saying, the reason that I need this is because of work. I am a real estate appraiser and spending over $1,000 a month on fuel costs. I am riding the bike to drastically cut that cost. I drive a truck now (diesel) and am getting about 15 mpg. The bike is getting me arounnd 40 mpg. Plus an instant saving of $0.50 a gallon of the top. I have been riding bikes my whole life and now I need to incorporate that into work so I need the bluetooth system that I mentioned earlier. Any suggestons.
  7. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    nope.....just be carefull ya dont get that stop sign mixed up with that dollar sign............................................................................:)

    ride safe
  8. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    im sorry if it sounded like im blowing you off on this bluetooth thing. i know i can get it hooked up like you need. i just dont feel comfortable doing so, much like you may feel when you know a piece of realestate is not correct for the potential buyer, and they keep insisting on it. if i found out you got hurt due to the fact that your bluetooth was working....my nights would be sleepless. just the way i am, i hate to see anyone get hurt, especially if i had a hand in it, whether they wanted it or not.....:)
  9. gutierg

    gutierg New Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    Scotch Plains, NJ
    Chucktx, Bikerputz and Voodochild are right on the money. If your job is going to be more efficient because you can answer a call while riding a motorcycle, you are not only putting yourself in massive danger, you can also kill or injure other people in the process. Pretty bad idea if you ask me.

    I would rather enjoy the scenery, avoid the cages and get to my calls after I have safely ridden to my next destination.

    Having said that, and moving over to the tech side of the question, bluetooth helmets are nothing but a pain, once you have made your phone discoverable and roaming at the same time, allows for other users to hear your conversations, it allows for hackers to steal your account details, without you knowing about it and the signal, regardles of how blue the sky may be that day is always crappy!

    I am not seeing anything posistive about safety or bluetooth here, hmmm?

  10. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    I think most Bluetooth units have some safety feature in that you can set a password for your phone on the bluetooth so others can't log in and hear your calls.

    Same here on the safety, driving a car with a phone is bad enough, we see the accidents and near misses daily, however I believe that some of the high end helmet manufacturers are going that route

    You might check with a Helmet shop to see what the scoop is on bluetooth, plus you'll want a full face helmet or you won't be able to hear anything due to wind noise.

    Hope you work in the south, be pretty hard to do that work in the NE on a bike.

    JMO I'd sell the diesel truck and opt to buy a Prius or a HYbrid Camary

    Here is a link to a blog with some discussion on Bluetooth Helmets, some offer it already Blog Link

    Also here is the one I've heard about the Nolan N-Com

    Bluetooth in a helmet has some advantages, you could use a Zumo or GPS with bluetooth and get the instructions inside your helmet, listen to the radio through it, talk to a passenger, and if close enough (up to 10 meters they say) talk with a bike next to you, wireless.

    IF you get a call Id say it'd be wise to let it go to VM, pull over and check the msg and call back, you'll live longer to spend the money you save. JMO
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2008
  11. skull2007

    skull2007 Active Member

    Feb 5, 2007
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    middleburg, pa
    i'm with everyone else on this one, you sound like a hard workin guy,:banghead: but give yourself a break, and make sure you stay working. you drop that bike and MPG's won't mean much. comes a time when you got to say F it and live for yourself even if it's just a little ride between jobs:devil: . bikes just aren't meant to be work vechicles. like using a spark plug socket to break lug nuts loose. sooner or later:eek: and everybody told you so:injured: but what ever you do:confused: good luck
  12. gutierg

    gutierg New Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    Scotch Plains, NJ
    I bought these radios to be able to communicate with friends when we are riding. I also had custom ear plugs, similar to what racing drivers use and can fit under a full face helmet. The only thing missing is a built in microphone, so you can carry conversations.

    Midland LXT420VP3 16-Mile 22-Channel Gmrs Radios. Small enough to fit and clamp to your jacket. Work well, but not many people are willing to fork over $250 plus to have custom ear plugs installed. You still need a handlebar mounted push to talk controller.

  13. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    I listen to music when I'm riding, but only on the open road..never around town (don't want to be distracted in Las Vegas traffic..that's for sure). I've also been looking into bluetooth helmet setup with GPS like the Garmin Zumo. Like music, I wouldn't be talking on the phone around town or traffic..just the open road and sparingly. I would be better to pull over to continue your conversation. In city traffic, the bluetooth setup would let you know you have a phone call and you could just pull over at your earliest convienence.

    You can't easily obtain someone's bluetooth to listen in or make calls because you have to pair the listening device with the phone. If the phone isn't in pairing mode..you can't pair it to use it.

    I have a couple of nice bluetooth stereo headphones that I use when jogging to listen to music. Set the phone on auto-answer and I can talk while jogging w/o touching anything..just goes back to music when the call is over.
  14. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    Sorry guys, even with all that technology and convenience, I STILL think it is way to dangerous.....I wouldn't do it at all. :(
  15. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Why don't you get something like a used Mazda Mita. Its a convertible, get lots of air and you can put the top up when it rains. The best thing about them is they get 30 plus miles per gallon and you can save all the aggravation of helmet headsets and being able to hear, not to mention its safer as you can use a hands free device.

    So you get one for the bike and your riding along and get a call how you going to write down the information?

    Stay safe and don't hook up a cell phone to the bike. :)
  16. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    wonder what he went with
  17. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Helmet headset probably, wonder if he is still alive. :eek:
  18. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    we will prob. never find out.....................
  19. FlynDutchman

    FlynDutchman New Member

    Feb 7, 2007
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    I miss the old days..My old man was in the trades, & he conducted all his business from the HOME PHONE....no cell phone, no green tooth...You need this for work & your gonna be on the phone while on the bike ? Geeze....One of the things I love about riding is I dont have to worry about calls (couldnt hear em anyway) We've gotten so bad that people bring work laptops & crap with them on vacation. Put down the phone & forget it for the short time you'll be on the road.
  20. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    That is the one thing that I really hate about my business, home inspections. I can't leave home without my damm cell phone. No I don't use a blue tooth and never would but to many times I'll be on the road and get a business call. Sucks being in business for yourself sometimes. I usually call them back if they leave a message when I'm safely stopped and have booked many jobs doing so but I still hate it. The business computer stays home but the dammed cell phone has to go with me. I throw it in the trunk usually and only get it out if its beeping. What I hate even worse are the annoying advertising calls, I told one gal to go F--k off one time.

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