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Bottom end knock/tap

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by UnknownBiker, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. UnknownBiker

    UnknownBiker New Member

    Mar 3, 2008
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    East Coast Canada
    I may have one thats a stumper. I think its a lifter thats intermittent. It is like a 'tap' now & then on the right side, the cam cover. (98 EVO) I checked the compensator clutch, had the cam cover off & inspected for debris, & also has the push rods exposed & when centred all have the same tension as you can wiggle them all the same. Noise happens 1-5 times a minute.
    Oil presure is fine (20 or so when under throttle)
    This noise only happens now & then, cant just make it happen, but it is always under light throttle or decel, or even idle. Loud light (Not deep) clunk or sounds like a bolt or something moving around in the cam cover case & hitting it. But, theres nothing in there loose.
    Any suggestions would be apreciated, otherwise I will continue to ride it & see if it gets worse. Searched all around here & the internet, cant get a targeted senario. :witsend:
  2. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    Have you tried tightening or double checking any & all bolts noice cam travel , you can get a stethoscope you can get one from a auto parts stores or. Long screwdriver up to your eat will work as well

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